灾害学论文之森林火灾 Forest Fires.doc

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森林火灾 Forest Fires 学院:安全工程学院 专业及班级:安全B091 姓名: 袁浩博 学号:200910044138 课程名称:灾害学 摘要 森林火灾,是指失去人为控制,在林地内自由蔓延和扩展,对森林、森林生态系统和人类带来一定危害和损失的林火行为。森林火灾是一种突发性强、破坏性大、处置救助较为困难的自然灾害。 森林火灾广义上上讲:凡是失去人为控制,在林地内自由蔓延和扩展,对森林、森林生态系统和人类带来一定危害和损失的林火行为都称为森林火灾。狭义讲:森林火灾是一种突发性强、破坏性大、处置救助较为困难的自然灾害。森林防火工作是我国防灾减灾工作的重要组成部分,是国家公共应急体系建设的重要内容,是社会稳定和人民安居乐业的重要保障,是加快林业发展,加强生态建设的基础和前提,事关森林资源和生态安全,事关人民群众生民财产安全,事关改革发展稳定的大局。简单的说,森林防火就是防止森林火灾的发生和蔓延,即对森林火灾进行预防和扑救。预防森林火灾的发生,就要了解森林火灾发生的规律,采取行政、法律、经济相结合的办法,运用科学技术手段,最大限度地减少火灾发生次数。扑救森林火灾,就是要了解森林火灾燃烧的规律,建立严密的应急机制和强有力的指挥系统,组织训练有素的扑火队伍,运用有效、科学的方法和先进的扑火设备及时进行扑救,最大限度地减少火灾损失。   林火发生后,按照对林木是否造成损失及过火面积的大小,可把森林火灾分为森林火警(受害森林面积不足1公顷或其它林地起火)、一般森林火灾(受害森林面积在1公顷以上100公顷以下)、重大森林火灾(受害森林面积在100公顷以上1000公顷以下)、特大森林火灾(受害森林面积1000公顷以上)。 Summary Forest fires, is the loss of human control, the spread freely in the forest and expansion of forests, forest ecosystems and human caused some damage and loss of forest fire behavior. Forest fires are a sudden and strong, devastating, more difficult to dispose of natural disasters relief. Broadly speaking, forest fires: those who lose their artificial control, spread freely in the forest and expansion of forests, forest ecosystems and human caused some damage and loss of forest fire behavior are referred to as forest fires. Narrow say: Forest fires are a sudden and strong, devastating, disposal of natural disaster relief more difficult. Forest fire prevention work in Chinas disaster prevention and mitigation an integral part of national public emergency response system is an important part of social stability and peoples happiness is an important safeguard is to accelerate the development of forestry, to strengthen the foundation and prerequisite for ecological construction, related to forest resources and ecological security, related to the people Shengmin property is related to the reform, development and stability. Simply put, forest fire prevention is to prevent the occurrence and spread of forest fires, that prevention and fighting


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