高一英语《Wildlife protection》课件6.ppt

高一英语《Wildlife protection》课件6.ppt

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◆即学即练 用上述短语完成下列小片段。 Last month Jane was seriously ill and was (1) . Thanks to the doctors, she received the operation in time and so she was (2) at last. Unfortunately, when she came back to the factory, she learned that she was (3) losing her job because the boss thought she was too weak to do the work. 答案:(1)in danger (2)out of danger (3)in danger of 5.Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.(P26) 戴茜一直以来都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。 阅读下列句子,注意long的搭配及意思。  (1)People in that country long for an enduring peace. (long for sth.渴望得到某物) (2)She longed to be back to China. (long to do sth.渴望做某事) (3)We longed for the summer to be over soon. (long for sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事) 6.In relief Daisy burst into laughter.(P26) 戴茜如释重负,突然笑起来。 ◆词语归纳 in relief 如释重负,松了一口气 a relief减轻痛苦的事物 to one,s relief 使某人宽慰的是 * 必修2 考点要求 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.野生动植物n. _____________ 2.损失;遗失;丧失n. _____________ 3.保护区n. _____________ 4.地域;地带;地区n. _____________ 5.蚊子n. _____________ 6.(痛苦或忧虑的)解除或减轻n. _____________ 7.昆虫n. _____________ 8.收入n. _____________ 9.事件,事变n. _____________ 10.安全的,可靠的adj. _____________ 11.种类n. _____________ wildlife loss reserve zone mosquito relief insect income incident secure species Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.保护(v.)_____________;保护(n.)_____________;保护的,防护的(adj.)_____________;保护人(n.)_____________ 2.仁慈,宽恕,怜悯(n.)_____________;仁慈的(adj.)_____________;无情的,毫不怜悯的(adj.)_____________ 3.出席,照顾,注意(v.)_____________;注意(n.)_____________;认真的(adj.)_____________;认真地(adv.)_____________ 4.雇用,利用(v.)_____________;雇用,聘请(n.)_____________;雇员(n.)_____________;雇主(n.)_____________ protect protection protective protector


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