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環境與藝術學刊 第 13 期,第 34~55 頁,2012 年 12 月 Journal of Environmental Arts, NO.13, pp34~55,Dec,2012 嘉義縣隙頂聚落的環境與產業變遷 The environmental and industry changes of Shiding settlement in Chiayi county 陳本源* 談珮華** 蔡泳銘*** 陳亮元**** Pen-Yuan Chen* Pei-Hua Tan** Yon-Ming Tsai*** Liang-Yuan Chen*** 摘要 本研究以嘉義縣番路鄉公田村隙頂聚落為研究對象,透過實地田野調查、 蒐集相關史料、深度訪談耆老等方式,了解聚落環境與產業變遷的概況。並藉 由地理資訊系統繪製個人生活路徑圖,套疊出聚落活動空間與生活節點,來了 解居民對當地空間的使用概況,以提供未來社區環境營造策略規劃的參考。 研究結果發現:(1) 聚落領域的認知主要來自於日常生活路徑的舊經驗與地 形地勢,與行政劃分的界線有極大落差;(2) 聚落生活節點多屬於短暫停留性質, 宜營造公共交流空間以凝聚社區意識;(3) 環境資源調查中發現小刺山柑的蹤跡, 有北移90~150公里之現象,推測可能與全球暖化有關;(4) 聚落長期耕作茶園, 導致土壤礦物質的耗竭,以致老茶園土壤有不易重新耕作之特性;及 (5) 善用 當地優越地理位置、文化特色及豐富景觀資源,應可成功轉型成觀光休閒遊憩 之茶園。 關鍵字:環境變遷、產業變遷、地理資訊系統、日常生活路徑、節點 Abstract This study is aimed to investigate the environment and industry changes of Shiding settlement in Chiayi through field trip, data collection and in-depth interviews. The GIS technique is also used to draw their living paths and nodes, and then to identify the current status of their physical life space in use. This could be a reference for future community development and planning. The major results are as follows. (1) The cognition of community territory is shaped by the former experience from residents’ daily living paths and the terrain slope, which is different from administrative boundary line. (2) The current living node in the community only attracts residents for a short stay therefore some other public spaces should be built to gather the perception of residents. (3) The finding of Capparis micracantha DC in the community demonstrates a northward movement of * 國立嘉義大學景觀學系副教授。地址:600 嘉義市學府路300 號。 ** 國立嘉義大學史地學系副教授 ,通訊作者。地址:621 嘉義縣民雄鄉文隆村85 號。 *** 嘉義縣大有國小教師 **** 經濟部水利署第五河


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