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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 89. Saving more, spending less, waste not, want not—these are the keys to overcome a global economic crisis ?89. 拯救各國經濟的方法是 「多儲蓄、少借錢」、「多儉樸、少貪婪」 Precious advises to success - 39 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 39成功秘碼 條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page To overcome a global economic crisis, citizens around the world should learn to save more and borrow less—waste not, want not. 「拯救各國經濟的方法是,各國的人民要學會「多儲蓄、少借錢」、「多儉樸、少貪婪」。 ? If the average consumer feels too financially insecure to spend a reasonable amount of their earnings, the economy simply cannot recover. 「當人民對前途沒有信心,開始看緊荷包,縮衣節食、不敢消費時,這樣經濟是好不起來的。」 To overcome the current economic recession, we need to have practicality, originality, rationality, flexibility and wisdom. 「面對經濟不景氣,我們要務實創新有理性,彈性靈活有智慧,這樣才可以開創新局,渡過難關。」 ? With the stock market in decline, it’s important for investors to clearly identify the market trend and look for new investment opportunities, know when to bail ship and try to be flexible and daring while remaining level-headed. Only then can one hope to emerge from this crisis a winner. 「面對股市下跌,投資人更需要務實( 認清市場走向)、創新(另找投資機會)、彈性(不死守賠錢股)、靈活( 隨機應變)、有理性( 不衝動、不跟風、不貪)、有智慧(藝高人膽大),這樣才可以險中求勝。」 “No pain no gain” and “no risk no rewards” are things to keep in mind in the stock market. The money you lose is just tuition in a never-ending lesson, and the money you make generates taxes to benefit society and yourself. 「股市沒有痛苦就沒有收獲,股市沒有風險就沒有報酬。把賠錢的部份當作是 學費,把賺錢的部份當作是繳稅。賠錢繳學費,是教育自己。賺錢繳稅是造福自己,造福社會。」 ? Private investors are in effect only sowing the seeds in the stock market; it’s the large cap investors and brokers who reap the harvest. 「散戶是股市中的播種者,真正收割的是躲在股市背後的大盤手與經紀商。」 The stock market’s redistribution of capital only achieves one thing: helping the rich get richer, while bleeding the poor dry. 「經過股市財富重新分配之後,股市是讓有錢人更有錢,讓窮人更窮。」 ? It’s a tragic irony how the foolish and poor are always quick to offer up their hard-earned money to add to the riches of the smart and wealthy.



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