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Example-模型 存在 ? 所有违反库存 约束物料集合 所有违反需求 产品集合 存在 ? 随机选取集合中某 一物料 随机选取该物料某 一任务 随机选取执行该任 务某一设备 随机选取该任务某 一发生时刻 随机选取任务集合 中某一任务 随机选取执行该任 务某一设备 随机选取该任务某 一发生时刻 随机选取集合中某 一元素 随机选取生产该产 品的某一任务 随机选取执行该任 务某一设备 随机选取该任务某 一发生时刻 低于需求 ? 删除该产品对应的 任务 删除该物料对应的 任务 低于库存 ? 返回 返回 返回 返回 返回 Example-算法 CP优化软件- ILOG OPL Studio A modeling language-Via ILOG OPL(Optimization Programming Language) A programming system that includes Predefined constraints with powerful filtering algorithms- Via a connection to ILOG Solver constraints Example2- Chemical Company Scheduling Custom Pilot Chemical Company is a chemical manufacturer that produces batches of specialty chemicals to order. Principal equipment consists of eight interchangable reactor vessels, five interchangeable distillation columns, four large interchangeable centrifuges, and a network of switchable piping and storage tanks. Customer demand comes in the form of orders for batches of one or more specialty chemicals, normally to be delivered simultaneously for further use by the customer. Example2 -数据结构 Example2 -数据组织 Example2 -调度模型 Example2-调度结果 企业有效产出受到企业的生产能力和市场的需求量的制约,即它们受由资源约束和市场约束瓶颈所控制的。 如果“约束”存在于企业内部,表明企业的生产能力不足,相应的有效产出也受到限制; 如果当企业所有的资源都能维持高于市场需求的能力,那么,则市场需求就成了“约束”。这时,即使企业能多生产,但由于市场承受能力不足,有效产出也不能增加。 企业的“非约束”应与“约束”同步,它们的库存水平只要能维持“约束”上的物流连续稳定即可 。 Proposed Strategy Production Z* × × ×× × Upper bound Feasible solution 0 2 4 6 8 10 Iterations Fix no/type of tasks and assignment decisions Problem is highly constrained: suitable for CP If feasible, obtain lower bound Add integer cut and continue until bounds converge ? Express problem in an aggregated MP form ?? Use MP to identify potentially good solutions ?? Fix no/type of tasks, assignment of tasks to units ? Fix no/type of tasks and assignment decisions ?? Problem is highly constrained: suitable for CP ? If feasible, obtain lower bound ? Add integer cut and continue until bounds converge Solve MIP Master Prob


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