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奇葩!动物园用藏獒冒充非洲狮 难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:每日邮报 A China zoo has been forced to apologise after it tried to pass off a dog as a lion. 中国一家动物园为其试图用狗冒充狮子向公众道歉。 Angry visitors to the Peoples Park in Luohe, Henan province, complained when the African lion started barking. 到河南漯河的人民公园参观的游客,听到这只“非洲狮”汪汪叫时都开始生气地抱怨起来。 Zoo staff said they had pretended the Tibetan mastiff was a lion because they could not afford the real thing, local media reported. 当地媒体报道,动物园的工作人员说他们之所以用藏獒冒充狮子,是因为他们买不起真正的狮子。 Elsewhere in the zoo, visitors found a mongrel dog in the Timber wolfs cage and another pooch posing as a leopard in the big cat enclosure. Then in the reptile house, keepers had placed two giant sea cucumbers which they were trying to pass off as snakes. 在动物园的其他地方,游客还发现一只杂种狗在大灰狼的笼子里,还有一只狗被放在大型猫科动物区冒充豹。在爬行动物区,饲养员放了两只巨大的海参,以此充当蛇。 One customer called Liu said: Theyre cheats. I paid good money to see the lion and all I got to see was a dog. The zoo is absolutely cheating us. I took my son there so he could hear the different sounds animals made but when we reached the cage where the African lion was supposed to be, the big animal in there started barking. 一位姓刘的游客说:“他们是骗子。我花了钱来看狮子,结果却看到了一只狗。动物园简直是在欺骗我们。我带着儿子来这,让他听听其他动物的叫声,但是我们到了非洲狮的笼子时,里面的狗却叫了起来。” A spokesman for the zoo said: Were doing our best in tough economic times. If anyone is unhappy with our displays we will give back their money. 一位动物园的发言人表示:“现在经济不景气,我们已经尽力了。如果有人不满意我们的展出,我们会把钱退给他们的。”


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