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qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * If the analyzer is perfectly aligned with the monochromator, it can filter out any x rays that are scattered or refracted by more than a few ?rad. The resulting image at the x-ray detector will resemble a standard x-ray radiograph but with enhanced contrast due to the scatter rejection (extinction). This is diffraction image. Other two kinds of images are taken when the analyzer is tuned to either side of the rocking curve at full width of half maximum position. These two images contain same absorption and little scattering information but opposite refraction information. These effects can be separated by combining these two images. qqq * When two images are added by pixel-by-pixel, the refraction information will be deleted, and we can obtain an image named the apparent absorption image because it contains only absorption contrast (but with weak extinction). qqq * When two images are added by pixel-by-pixel, the refraction information will be deleted, and we can obtain an image named the apparent absorption image because it contains only absorption contrast (but with weak extinction). The refraction image is sensitive to the gradient of the refractive index. It can clearly show edge enhancement and provide a map of the boundaries between regions with different refractive indices. qqq * A conventional synchrotron radiograph of a foot (A) and the same foot shown with Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (B). Note the greater variety of soft tissues visible with in the DEI frame. Three kinds of images are usually recorded. Diffraction image + Apparent absorption image - Refraction image 衍射增强成像结果(脚趾) 传统的同步辐射图像 同步辐射衍射增强图像 IL-XPCT in-line X-ray phase contrast computerized tomography 中极穴 中极穴旁开 足三里穴 足三里穴旁开 考试题 选择以下一篇文章为主题,作口头报告,重点说明同步辐射在科学研究中的作用。 揭示生命能量之源--ATP合酶三维结构的同步辐射研究,田亮、张新夷,核技术, 26(1)2(2003). 细胞膜通道与同步辐射,闫晓辉、田亮、张新夷,核技术,27(1)1(2004). 祝好运 再见 qqq * qqq * qqq * qqq * Oklahoma 1976 Jan. 1976, 100 years old, in 18



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