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ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices ITIE2010 Inspiration from Best Practices * * 学习写诗 Poetry Writing Teaching Practice * * 诗文之别 诗文之别,不在于表达的智慧(情与思),而在于智慧的表达(语言及语言的组织形式)。 文是表现,是一杯泡开的茶,酽香由思维的唇舌去品; 诗是暗示,是一袋焙干的茶,酽香因思维的沸水重生。 阅文侧重于观赏情境,读诗侧重于创造情境。 一切好的文学作品,都具有诗的特质,不管是散文,还是小说,抑或戏剧。 * * Difference between poetry and prose The Difference between poetry and prose lies not in thoughts and ideas, but in genre and style, in choices of lexis and syntax . Prose is a performance, like a cup of steaming tea, spreading a strong smell for us to enjoy , while poem is an art of hinting, like a bag of dried tea, calling for thoughts to brew it. Reading a prose is a process of enjoying its setting and plot, but appreciating poem is to reconstruct it. Every excellent literature has the characteristics of poems, whether it is a prose or a fiction, or a drama. * * 一、取象 Creation of Imagery 书不尽言,言不尽意,立象以尽意。 There is more what I want to say but cannot, imagery says all. 取象——从情境中提取能够传达诗人情意、能够表现眼前情境特征的意象——这是作诗的首要任务。 The Choice of?images?and conception of Beauty is key to composing poems?. 象有虚实之分,实象是眼前之象,虚象是联想和想象中象。 Images consists of real ones and the ideal ones. The intangible images are the points of the continuum from association to imagination . 象有人、事、景、物之类。 The choice of images covers people, events, scene, and the like. * * 二、组合 Combination 中国古诗文中常采用多种意象并置的方式,产生形象鲜明,内容密集而意蕴深厚的情境。 Multiple images are often used in ancient Chinese poetry , resulting a vivid imagination with i


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