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CEOCEO 访谈 访谈 蔡演国:办公室造梦者 Cai Yanguo: Dream Furniture for the Office 文/雷娜 by Lei Na 祖铭立集团成立于1 6年,致力于为 he founder of Matsu Group, Mr Cai Yanguo is among the 高端客户提供品质与设计俱佳的办公 pioneering Chinese entrepreneurs who have combined a 玛 家具整体解决方案。自2001年起,公司 Tglobal mind-set with national pride. His office furniture 与德国著名家具企业Kusch+Co建立了合作,迄 company, which he began in 1996, boasts “made in China” products 今已与八个德国高端品牌结成了战略合作伙伴, for the Chinese market that integrate the high-quality design 并在中国建立生产基地,以精良的德国品质为中 and manufacturing standards of its German partners. Aiming to 国制造护航。公司创始人蔡演国先生表示,对于 target high-end local clients, in 2001 Cai began working with the 设计、环保、品质和创新的追求是玛祖铭立成长 renowned German furniture company Kusch+Co, and since then 的动力,这让他们赢得了诸多客户的信赖,也成 has established strategic partnerships with seven other high-end 为了业内最具口碑、最为环保的企业之一。 German brands. 42 TheLINK 2014 第二期 CEO TALK Matsu’s products, whose design aesthetic incorporates the elements of simplicity and comfort that also feature in many classical Chinese furniture pieces, have won over both Chinese and foreign companies, including A, BMW- Brilliance, and Roche. They can also be found on CEIBS’ Shanghai Campus; the white dining tables and sled-shaped chairs in the school’s cafeteria are made by Matsu. Cai says one needs a craftsman’s heart to succeed in the furniture business, as it requires an appreciation for both quality and design, and a determination not to compromise on either. Matsu has managed to stick to its principles through changes in ma


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