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疑难病杂志 2007 年 3 月第 6 卷第 3 期  Chin J Diffic and Compl Cas ,March 2007 ,Vol . 6 No . 3 ·14 1 · ·通络药物 · 芪苈强心胶囊对实验性心力衰竭犬 心脏功能的影响 刘建勋  马晓斌  王杨慧   【摘  要】 目的 研究芪苈强心胶囊对实验性心力衰竭犬心脏功能的影响 。方法  静脉注射戊巴 比妥钠复制犬急性实验性心力衰竭模型 。30 只犬随机分为正常组 、模型组 、地高辛组和芪苈强心胶囊 高 、中、低剂量组 ,观察芪苈强心胶囊对实验性心力衰竭犬血流动力学和心功能指标的影响 。结果  与 ( ) ,增加左室心 模型组和自身给药前比较 ,芪力强心胶囊可显著升高犬心脏左室压最大上升速率 dpdt max ( ) ( ) ( ) 肌收缩力 LVMCF ,增加心输出量 CO ,降低左室舒张末期压 LVEDP , 同时可增加肾血流量 ,缓解心力 衰竭症状( P 0 . 05 或 P 0 . 01) 。结论  芪苈强心胶囊可有效改善实验性心力衰竭犬的心脏功能 。 【关键词】 芪苈强心胶囊 ;心力衰竭 ;心脏功能 ;犬 ( ) 【中图分类号】 R  【文献标识码】 A  【文章编号】 1671 - 6450 2007 03 - 0141 - 03 Effects of Qiliqiangxin capsule on chronic heart failure of dog induced with pentobarbital  LI U J ianx un , MA X iaobin , WAN G Yanghui . X iy uan Hosp ital , China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences ,B eij ing  100091 , China 【Abstrct 】 Objective  To study the effects of Qiliqiangxin cap sule on the cardiac function of dog treated with pentobarbital sodium. Methods  The method of intravenous inj ection with pentobarbital sodium was adopted to set up the animal model of dog heart failure . The dogs were divided into 6 group s at random : sham group , vehicle group , digoxin group ,Qiliqiangxin cap sule group ,including low dose ,middle dose and high dose group s. The changes of cardi ac hemodynamics observed and function were observed. Results  Qiliqiangxin cap sule could increase dpdtmax and LVMCF and CO significantly , decrease LVEDP. Simultaneously the blood flow of kidney also was increased remarked ly . Conclusion  Qiliqiangxin cap sule could improve the heart function of experimental heart failure of dog treated with pentobarbital . 【


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