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Lecture 2翻译语境下中西文化对比49420
翻译语境下的中英文化语言对比 第二讲 Culture, language, and translation 文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物。同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。确切地说,文化是指一个国家或民族的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等。 Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture H. H. Stern根据文化的结构和范畴把文化分为广义和狭义两种概念。 广义的文化即大写的文化(Culture with a big C),狭义的文化即小写的文化(culture with a small c)。 广义地说,文化指的是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质和精神财富的总和。它包括物质文化、制度文化和心理文化三个方面。物质文化是指人类创造的种种物质文明,包括交通工具、服饰、日常用品等,是一种可见的显性文化;制度文化和心理文化分别指生活制度、 家庭制度、 社会制度以及思维方式、宗教信仰、审美情趣,它们属于不可见的隐性文化。包括文学、哲学、政治等方面内容。 狭义的文化是指人们普遍的社会习惯,如衣食住行、风俗习惯、生活方式、行为规范等。 Culture Hall’s Culture Context Model Culture, language, translator Language is essentially rooted in the reality of the culture…it cannot be explained without constant reference to these broader contexts of verbal utterance. Language could only be understood with reference to culture The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels. In the strong view, language actually determines the way the language user thinks. In the weak view, language is one of the factors influencing our understanding of reality, but it is not the determining factor. (but beliefs and values) Lexis (choice of words) Language was a case of labeling lexis, and behind that label was a different reality rather tan simply a different label. 英语:基督教文化 中国:佛教文化 Hawkes 把《红楼梦》中的“阿弥陀佛”竟然译成“God bless my soul”,把上帝拿来代替佛教的无量寿佛,这很可能让西方人以为中国人也信奉上帝。这样的译文大大地削减了中国文化内涵。 Christmas Political Correctness Bias-free language The aim is to make language less wounding(伤人感情的 ) or demeaning(贬低身份的) to those whose sex, race, physical condition or circumstances leave them vulnerable to the raw power of words. Areas covered with regard to Political Correctness Pol