中国饮食 中英文教学教案.ppt

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中国饮食 中英文教学教案.ppt

Anhui cuisine Anhui cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine, but with less emphasis on seafood and more on a wide variety of local herbs and vegetables. Anhui province is particularly endowed with fresh bamboo and mushroom crops. Which cuisine ? Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce Which cuisine ? Sautéed Pig kidney 九转大肠 山东风味菜肴。将猪大肠经水焯后油炸,再灌入十多种作料,用微火爆制而成。酸、 九转大肠 甜、香、辣、咸五味俱全,色泽红润,质地软嫩。是鲁菜系中的名菜之一。 Histroy 早在春秋战国时代齐植公的宠臣易牙就曾是以“善和五味”而著称的名厨;南朝时,高阳大守贾思勰在其著作《齐民要术》中,对黄河中下游地区的烹饪术作了较系统的总结、记下了众多名菜做法,反映当时鲁菜发展的高超技艺;唐代,段文昌,山东临淄人,穆宗时任宰相,精于饮食,并自编食经五十卷,成为历史掌故。到了宋代,宋都汴梁所作“北食”即鲁菜的别称,已具规模。明清两代,已经自成菜系,从齐鲁而京畿,从关内到关外,影响所及已达黄河流域、东北地带,有着广阔的饮食群众基础。 Feature 咸鲜为主,突出本味,擅用葱姜蒜,原汁原味 以“爆”见长,注重火功 精于制汤,注重用汤 烹制海鲜有独到之处 丰满实惠、风格大气 山东民风朴实,待客豪爽,在饮食上大盘大碗丰盛实惠,注重质量,受孔子礼食思想的影响,讲究排场和饮食礼节。正规筵席有所谓的“十全十美席”,“大件席”、“鱼翅席”、“翅鲍席”、“海参席”、“燕翅席”等,都能体现出鲁菜典雅大气的一面。 Lu cuisine Shandong cuisine is considered the most influential in Chinese cuisine, with majority of the culinary styles in China having developed from it. Modern schools of cuisine in northern China - Beijing, Tianjin and the northeastern regions - are all branches of Shandong cuisine. In addition, the typical dishes in most northern Chinese households meals are prepared in simplified Shandong methods Which cuisine ? Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Fujian cuisine Fujian cuisine is one of the native Chinese cuisines derived from the native cooking style of Fujian province, China. Fujian-style cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese cooking as xianwei as well as retaining the original flavour of the main ingredients instead of masking them. Fujian cuisine One of the most famous dishes in Fujian cuisine is “Buddha Jumps Over the Wall”, a complex dish making use of many ingredients, including shark‘s fin, sea cucumber, abalone, and Shaoxing wine. Contains over 30 ingredients 佛跳墙


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