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动词与动词短语  ;1.知道动词的分类; 2.能够区分意思相近的系动词; 3.及物与不及物,短暂与持续; 4.常用的动词后缀有哪些; 5.常用高考动词和动词短语; 6.高考真题验证;分类;; 助 动 词 ; ; 1.When we_______up, were going to help build up our country. 2.Her face _______red. 3.The meat_______bad. 5.The machine ______out of order. 6. My father was so tired that he _____ asleep quickly. 7. He has _______an excellent actor. = He has ______ excellent actor. 8. My son ______6 in July. 9. He ____ paid for teaching others. 10. I saw that the garden had _____wild ;状态变化系动词;1. 感官动词 feel, taste, sound, look, smell 1. I ______ the table and the table _____cold. 2. The flowers _________ sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. 3. _______so delicious, the food in this market was sold out soon. ; 2.prove 1.His courage was proved in the battle. 2.He proved (to be) brave in the battle. ;3.remain; 1. 他看起来对我很友好。 2. 他们看上去已经误解我了。 3. 他看起来正在看电视;三, 常见的不及物动词;四。常见的延续和非延续动词;判断正误: 1.He worked at eight yesterday afternoon. 2.He was working at eight yesterday afternoon. 3.I have caught a cold for over a week. 4.I have had a cold for over a week.;五。英语常见的动词后缀; 六。高考高频考点单词短语;Agree短语 agree vi.同意;持相同意见 I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。 I cannot agree more 再同意不过,非常同意 sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见 sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 agree to sb 建议 agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 agree to do sth 同意干某事 ;(2)believe短语 believe in 确信,信任,信仰,主张 believe ones ears 相信所听到的话 make believe 假装 (=pretend to do sth.) seeing is believing 眼见为实;(3)blow短语 blow about 吹散 blow away 吹走 blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹灭 blow out 吹灭,走气 blow up,放大(照片),吹大 ( 气球),爆炸,发脾气 give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以 沉重打 ;(4)break短语 break away 摆脱,脱离 break away from … 脱离……,奋??挣脱……、打破 break down 出故障,中止,分解、抛锚、破坏,粉碎;瓦解; 衰弱,损坏;(健康等)垮掉,累垮;崩溃 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入,使顺服 break into … 闯入……,破门而入,突然开始,把(sth.)分成 break (sth) off 折断,中断某事物,突然停止,打断,断绝 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发,准备使用;起锚 break open 破开,撬


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