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商务英语笔译;Outline;1. Presentation (Samsung L’Oreal);2. Appreciation;prize v. global a. tricky a. business n. … Poets and peasants /o/2003-12-10/12321306746s.shtml ;1. Do you know the enterprise being famous for its innovative ideas? 2. How can we be innovative in our daily life? 3. Which one is more important? Innovation or direct discussions?;No Innovation Can Replace Direct Discussions ;That’s what Samsung CEO Jong-Yong Yun, whose company prizes technology, says about understanding local markets. Samsung韩国三星电子公司: 总部设在韩国的三星电子集团是世界上最大的电子产品制造商之一。 CEO首席执行官: A chief executive officer (CEO) or chief executive is the highest-ranking corporate officer or| executive officer of a corporation, company, or agency. 该句中的非限制性定语从句“whose company prizes technology”如果就地处理,两头句子不好处理,因此将其放到句首就更通顺一些。 另外,“prizes”在这里译成“崇尚,尊重或者推崇”比译成“重视”或者“珍视”更贴切。这句话也可以译成:“韩国三星公司向来崇尚技术。” 译:韩国三星是一家崇尚技术的公司。该公司的首席执行官尹钟龙在谈到如何理解本地市场时说 了标题中的这句话。 ;A cosmetics brand born in Tennessee can become wildly popular in Shanghai. For those in business, however, globalization has brought unrelenting change and fierce competition. 译:一个产于美国田纳西州的化妆品品牌可以 在中国上海大受欢迎。然而,对商界人士来说,全球化意味着无情的变革和激烈的竞争。 ;To find out how the best companies manage in a world that’s getting smaller and more complicated, we asked two CEOs of Fortune Global 500 companies how they’ve stayed on the top of the game. Fortune Global 500 companies 《财富》杂志“全球 500 强” “世界500强”是国人对美国《财富》杂志每年评选的“全球最大五百家公司”排行榜 的一种约定俗成的叫法。 …we asked two CEOs of Fortune Global 500 companies how they’ve stayed on the top of: game. 这句中的动词“ask”如果直接译成:“我们问《财富》杂志‘全球500强’中的两家公司的首席执行官他们是怎样……”,句子则显得过长,因此采取了增词的方式,将句子分开,译成“???们采访了《财富》杂志‘全球500强’中的两家公司的首席执行官,问 ……”。这样更符合汉语的表达习惯。这句话还可以译成:“……向他们了解他们一 复稳居世界领先地位的秘密。” 译:为 了探究世界上那些出类拔萃的公司在这样一个日益变小、日趋复杂的世界中是如何进行管理 的,我们采访了《财富》杂志“全球500强”中的两家公司的首席执行官,问他们是怎样始 终稳居世界领先地位的。;Whether based in Europe, the US, or Asia,they’ve successfully managed global businesses in everything from refrigerators to fragrances. Here’s what they had to say. ...theyve success


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