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王维辋川诗的禅意解读 姓名: 论文摘要:诗人王维是禅意诗创作的代表人物,王维是当代著名的诗人,他的很多山水景观诗作被广泛的传诵,受到人们的喜爱,王维的景观诗中描述了很多的禅意思想,表达者他内心的思想情感。王维在仕途发展上的不顺畅,让他在情感在诗中的表现更为突出,他在自己的田园诗中描述了自己的禅悟意见,特别是他离开了官场隐居时的表现出的情怀在《辋川集》中能够得充分的体现,王维寄情山水,在观田园风光的描述中,委婉的表达着自己的情感,在山水涤荡心灵,放弃忧愁、忘记烦恼,表达自身的情感,王维通过诗集表达着自己的情感和情怀。他将田园风光构筑在心中,借助于诗表达着自己的禅悟。他把自己对佛禅的感悟理解,融和到了对山水景物的观察与体验之中,在诗歌内容及艺术上表现出了一种理事两不妨碍、物我相互圆融的禅悟美感特色。 关 键 词Wang Wei is a famous contemporary poet. Many of his landscape poems are widely read and loved by people. Wang Weis landscape poems describe a lot of Zen thoughts, Expression of his inner thoughts and feelings. Wang Wei in the development of career is not smooth, let him in the poem of emotion in the performance is more prominent in his own idylls in his description of Zen views, especially when he left the official seclusion of the feelings shown in the Wang Chuan set can be fully reflected in Wang landscape, in the view of rural scenery description, euphemistically express their emotions, in the landscape cleanse the soul, to give up worry, forget the trouble, express their feelings, Wang Victoria expressed his feelings and emotions through poems. He will garden scenery built in the heart, with the poem to express their Zen Wu. His understanding of the Buddhist Zen understanding, integration into the landscape of the observation and experience among the poems in the content and artistic expression of a governing two without prejudice to the mutual harmony of the Zen aesthetic sense of the characteristics. Keywords: Wang Wei; landscape poetry; Zen 目 录 引言 2 一、《辋川集》意象解读 2 二、王维《辋川集》的禅意分析 3 三、王维《辋川集》的禅意解读 4 (一)观景态度分析 4 (二)山水景致分析 5 (三)情感表达分析 5 四、结束语 5 参考文献 6 致谢 7 引言 禅与诗是我国五千年的文明历史发展中所积淀的特有的文化特色,禅与诗的融合缔造了文化交融的历史,打开了智慧之门,让中国历代的诗人有了独特的气质,形成了高品质的文化风格。禅与诗的融合凝聚出了高品质的精美的艺术作品。在当前的发展环境下,营造了较好的审美体验,按禅宗原则,巧妙的出神入化,在诗中营造了禅的意境,有了各种禅机、禅说,这种风格的诗句被称之为禅诗,禅与诗的融合交融,是美学的延伸,也将中国古典诗文化长久传承。在禅与诗的融合过程中,体现出了仁者见仁,智者见智的特色,形成了特有的风格。 诗人王维是禅意诗创作的代表人物,王维是当代著名的诗人,他的很多山水景观诗作被广泛的传诵,受到人们的喜爱,王维的景观诗中描述了很多的禅意思想,表达者他内心的思想情感。王维在仕途发展上的不顺畅,让他在情感在诗中的表现更为突出,他在


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