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第五~六讲 过程动态学 从原油加热炉的分析中我们对过程控制系统有了一定的概念,该系统一方面监视过程的输出,另一方面要找出最好的控制决策来调整输入变量,使输出具有满意的控制质量,同时要能有效地实施这一控制决策。即控制系统是由以下三项任务构成的整体: (1)通过合适的测量手段监视输出变量 (2)合理的控制决策 (3)控制决策的有效实施 若以上任务由人工完成-手动控制;仪表完成-自动控制;计算机完成-计算机控制 控制系统的设计步骤 第1步 过程评估、定义控制目标 (1)为何要控制? (2)控制是否唯一选择?能否通过工艺的变更达到同样的 目的?二者投入产出是不同的。 (3)对控制系统的期望是什么? 第2步 选择满足控制目标的过程变量 (1)哪些输出变量属关键变量从而必须加以测量方能满足 监控之需? (2)哪些输入变量干扰最为严重,其中哪些是可测的? (3)哪些输入变量可以干预以实现最有效的过程调节? 第3步 选择控制系统结构: 反馈、前馈、串级、比值… 第4步 控制器设计 控制规律:如何根据过程信息(现在及过去的输出、过去的输入及干扰、甚至将来的输出)适当地调节操纵变量? 有效的控制系统对一个生产企业是至关重要的。如若对过程操纵(控制)变量(manipulating variables)的动态和稳态响应(相当于调节通道/控制通道模型)了解较透彻,那么就能设计出高效的控制系统,例子是原油加热炉的前馈(已经介绍的静态前馈可以由进一步的动态前馈取代,若干扰通道动态特性清晰的话)。因此,Process dynamics 是Process control 的先导。 Process Dynamics Process Engineering courses are generally taught from a steady-state point-of-view. Dynamics is the time varying behavior of processes. Processes are often dynamically changing continuously. Steady-state change indicates where the process is going and the dynamic characteristics of a system indicates what dynamic path it will take. Uses of Dynamic Process Models Evaluation of process control configurations i.e., for analysis of difficult control systems for both existing facilities and new projects Process design of batch processes Operator Training Start-up/shut-down strategy development Classification of Models Lumped (集总)parameter models - assume that the dependent variable does not change with spatial location within the process, e.g., a perfectly well mixed vessel. Distributed (分布)parameter models - consider that the dependent variable changes with spatial location within the process. Example of a Lumped Parameter Process Example of a Distributed Parameter Process Modeling Approaches Lumped parameter processes- Macroscopic balances are typically applied for conservation of mass, moles, or energy and result in ODE’s. Distributed parameter processes- Microscopic balances are


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