英语国家主要国情上册7.British culture and customs.ppt

英语国家主要国情上册7.British culture and customs.ppt

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英语国家主要国情上册7.British culture and customs

英国商人一般不喜欢邀请至家中饮宴,聚会大都在酒店、饭店进行。 重大的宴请活动,大家都放在晚餐时进行。去英国人家里作客,最好带点价值较低的礼品,因为花费不多就不会有行贿之嫌。 礼品一般有:高级巧克力、名酒、鲜花,特别是我国具有民族特色的民间工艺美术品,他们格外欣赏。而对有客人公司标记的纪念品不感兴趣。 在英国,服饰、香皂之类的物品未免太涉及到个人的私生活,故一般不用来送人。    菊花在任何欧洲国家都只用于万圣节或葬礼,一般不宜送人。 白色的百合花在英国象征死亡,也不宜送人, 盆栽植物一般是宴会后派人送去。 在接受礼品方面,他们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。苏格兰威士忌是很通行的礼品,烈性威士忌则不然。 英国对饮茶十分讲究,各阶层的人都喜欢饮茶,尤其是妇女嗜茶成癖。 英国人还有饮下午茶的习惯,即在下午3—4点钟的时候,放下手中的工作,喝一杯红茶,有时也吃块点心,休息一刻钟,称为“茶休”。主人常邀请你共同喝下午茶,遇到这种情况,大可不必推却。 在正式的宴会上,一般不准吸烟。进餐吸烟,被视为失礼。 访问英国注意一些忌讳:忌谈个人私事、家事、婚丧、年龄、职业、收入、宗教问题。 由于宗教的原因,他们非常忌讳“13”这个数字,认为这是个不吉祥的数字。 日常生活中尽量避免“13”这个数字,用餐时,不准13人同桌,如果13日又是星期五的话,则认为这是双倍的不吉利。 不能手背朝外,用手指表示“二”,这种“V”形手势,是蔑视别人的一种敌意做法。 上街走路,千万注意交通安全,所有车辆都靠左行驶。英国免费医疗,即便是临时来英国的外国人有急病,也不例外。 British culture and customs 2008/2012 奥运会开幕式和闭幕式上的伦敦 伦敦巴士、看报纸的市民…… Popular pastime in Britain : watching telly, reading newspaper listening to the radio P132 The functions of the media: 1.For entertainment 2.To provide information about political and social issues, weather reports, advertising 3.For educational purposes 4.For people to express views or seek advice 5.Vital to the British political system 6. To engender a national culture In Britain there are 10 national daily newspapers and most people read one of them every day. There are two kinds of newspaper. One is large in size and has many detailed articles about national and international events. These newspapers are called the serious papers or the quality papers. The other kind, called the tabloids ([t?bl?id] ), smaller in size, have more pictures, often in colour, and shorter articles, often about less important events or about the private lives of well-know people. The Sun, for example, which is a tabloid, is the biggest-selling newspaper in Britain.   British newspaper culture is unusual in the extent to which class and educational differences are reflected in the newspaper people read. Most national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion


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