高考英语一轮提能训练:外研版必修1 Module4(附解析)推荐.doc

高考英语一轮提能训练:外研版必修1 Module4(附解析)推荐.doc

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高考英语一轮提能训练:外研版必修1 Module4(附解析)推荐

PAGE 外研版高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Module 4 A Social Survey— 能 力 闯 关 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Fill in the form and write down your name,address and o________. 2.He was u________ for two months after leaving that factory. 3.How many ________(专业的)teachers are there in your town? 4.“How much is the r________ for this house?” the boy asked the owner. 5.David managed to escape,but the others were not so f________. 6.We bought a t________ handbook before going travelling. 7.The Forbidden City is one of the world’s greatest works of ________(建筑). 8.Each living ________(区域)in this city is fenced round with trees. 9.The boats in the ________(海港)were safe during the storm. 10.She’s very nice but I don’t really find her ________(有吸引力的) 答案:1.occupation 2.unemployed 3.professional 4.rent 5.fortunate 6.tourist 7.architecture 8.district 9.harbour 10.attractive Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Did he ________ you about lending him some money?  A.get close to B.approach C.approach to D.approach about 解析:句意:他找过你谈借给他钱的事了吗?本题考查approach sb. about sth.的用法。 答案:B 2.She felt an immediate ________ to him. A.love B.bless C.attraction D.strike 解析:句意:她和他一见钟情。考查习语feel an attraction to...感到……的吸引力。 答案:C 3.With the help of the government,a large number of people ________ after the earthquake in 2008. A.survived B.suspended C.suffered D.urged 解析:句意:在政府的帮助下,大批灾民在2008年的震灾中幸免于难。本题考查词义辨析。A、B、C、D四词分别为“幸存”;“悬吊,中止,延缓”;“遭受”;“敦促,恳求”,显然答案A最合题意。 答案:A 4.The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity,but it may be some time ________ the situation improves. A.since B.when C.unless D.before 解析:句意:为解决电力不足政府已采取一些措施,但是还需要一段时间情况才能好转。本题是考查It is long before句式的考查。 答案:D 5.So far this year we ________ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A.saw B.see C.has seen D.have seen 解析:此题的关键词是so far“到目前为止”,含有这个短语的句子通常用现在完成时。 答案:D 6.—How long ________ in this firm? —Since 2002. A.were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you been employed D.will you be employed 解析:Since 2002已暗示上文问句要使用现在完成时,而且根据题意要使用被动语态。 答案:B 7


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