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Section 1 Exercise 11.1.1 a) b) c) Exercise 11.1.2 Exercise 11.1.3 Exercise 11.1.4 Exercise 11.1.5 In the semistructured model, nodes represent data elements, i.e., entities rather than entity sets. In the UML model, nodes of all types represent object sets, and the data is not represented at all. Section 2 Exercise 11.2.1 ? xml version = 1.0 encoding = utf-8 standalone = yes ? StarMovieData Star starID = cf starredIn = sw NameCarrie Fisher/Name Address Street123 Maple St./Street CityHollywood/City /Address Address Street5 Locust Ln./Stree CityMalibu/City /Address /Star Star starID = mh starredIn = sw NameMark Hamill/Name Address Street456 Oak Rd./Street CityBrentwood/City /Address /Star Movie movieID = sw starsOf = cf mh TitleStar Wars/Title Year1977/Year /Movie /StarMovieData Exercise 11.2.2 Title Year Length Genre Gone with the Wind 1939 231 Drama Star Wars 1977 124 SciFi Wayne’s World 1992 95 Comedy Figure 2.3: The Relation Movies The relation Movies in XML: Movies Movie TitleGone with the Wing/title Year1939/year Length231/length GenreDrama/genre /Movie Movie TitleStar Wars/Title Year1977/year Length124/length GenreSciFi/genre /Movie Movie TitleWayne’s World/Title Year1992/year Length95/length GenreComedy/genre /Movie /Movies Exercise 11.2.3 An empty element can be represented as a SubElement whose childID value is null (or a predefined ID that does not map to any element). Exercise 11.2.4 DocRoot(docID, rootElementID) Element(elementID, position) ElementAttribute(elementID, name, value) ElementValue(elementID, value) SubElementOf(parentID, childID) Section 3 Exercise 11.3.1 ?xml version = 1.0 encoding = utf-8 standalone = yes ? StarMovieData Star starID = cf starredIn = sw tesb rotj hahs NameCarrie Fisher/Name Address Street123 Maple St./Street CityHollywood/City /Address Address Street5 Locust Ln./Street CityMalibu/City /Address /Star Star starID = mh s


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