
外语学习中 ‘虚’与‘实’ .ppt

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外语学习中 ‘虚’与‘实’

外语学习中的 ‘虚’ 与 ‘实’ 陈文存 西华师范大学外国语学院 * What’s English for “虚”and “实”? Void, empty, in vain, false, weak, abstrct, humble, timid, false, modest? Invisible, without forms, intangible, non-physical Visible, with forms, tangible, physical * 1.学习内容的虚与实 实,有形的(Explicit knowledge) 读音规则(大部分)、拼写规则、单词、短语及其用法、语法规则、修辞手段(但何时用,什么场合用很难用语言讲清楚)、基本篇章结构、衔接手段、部分文化知识、各学科知识。 Anything that makes learners aware of rules is explicit.  To know about language * 虛,无形的(Implicit knowledge language communicative competence) 地道的语音语调、地道得体的表达、目的语交际策略、语言风格、言语技能、跨文化交际能力、文化敏感性、意识理念、人文素养、非语言交际、语言思维 、价值观等。 语感 To know of language culture * Implicit and explicit knowledge Explicit knowledge is knowledge about the L2. It can be broken down into analysed knowledge and metalanguage. Implicit knowledge is knowledge of language. It is typically manifested in some form of naturally occurring language behaviour and cannot easily be accessed separately from this behaviour. It is ‘unanalysed’ in the sense that language users are not aware of the knowledge they hold. * Declarative procedural knowledge Anderson (1983) distinguished between declarative and procedural knowledge, suggesting that knowledge is gradually restructured from one form of representation to another. Declarative knowledge is explicit and encyclopedic in nature. (knowing that) Declarative knowledge of language involves both knowledge of abstract rules and knowledge of fragments and exemplars. Procedural knowledge is highly automated. This type of knowledge results when the learner gains greater control over the fragments and exemplars and also restructures declarative knowledge of rules into if-then productions of increasing delicacy. (knowing how) Implicit knowledge involves automatic processing; explicit knowledge entails controlled processing. * Key characteristics of implicit and explicit knowledge Characteristics Implicit knowledge Explicit knowledge Awareness Intuitive awareness of C


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