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斜齿齿轮减速器改进 摘 要 设计用于带式运输机上的二级展开式圆柱齿轮减速器。用以运送谷物、型矿、碎矿石、煤等。运输机运转方向不变,工作载荷稳定,输送带鼓轮的传动效率为0.97,工作寿命为15年,每年工作日为300日,每日工作16小时。并根据其特点对它的大小齿轮和轴的各项参数进行了计算和分析。得出它符合减速器的运行条件。且依据减速器的条件选择了与它相匹配的V带和电动机,最后对减速器所需要的键和联轴器进行了设计,而且给定了其润滑工序。 这次关于带式运输机上的两级展开式圆柱齿轮减速器的课程设计是我们真正理论联系实际、深入了解设计概念和设计过程的实践考验,对于提高我们机械设计的综合素质大有用处。 关键词:机构,传动,二级减速,齿轮,轴类强度校核 Reduction gear improves the tilted tooth of two stage column gear wheel ABSTRACT Design the development style column gear wheel reduction gear being used to take a transport plane to two stage on. Use ore , broken ore , coal etc. in conveying corn , the type.Transport plane turn over direction is invariable , the service load is stable, conveyer belt drum wheel drive efficiency is 0.97 , the working life is that in 15 , every year the workday is 300 days , everyday to work 16 hours.And have been in progress secretly scheming against and have analysed according to whose characteristic to its gear wheel big or small and various axis parameter. Reach it meeting reduction gears working requirements. The at last has carried out design on key and shaft coupling needed by reduction gear , has been fixed whose lubricating working procedure and and according to the reduction gear condition has chosen the V belt and electric motor with its appearance matching. The at last has carried out design on key and shaft coupling needed by reduction gear , has been fixed whose lubricating working procedure and and according to the reduction gear condition has chosen the V belt and electric motor with its appearance matching. KEYWORDS:Organization ,Drive ,The two stage reduces the speed ,Gear wheel ,The axis kind intensity is proofreaded v带根数.........................................................4 4.3选取带轮基准直径.....................................................4 5 齿轮的设计..............................................................5 5.1高速级齿轮传动的设计计算.............................................5 5.1.1齿轮材料,热处理及精度............................................5 5.1.2初步设计齿轮传


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