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桂丹路交通工程设计 专业 姓名 指导老师 交通工程 学号 职称 中国·珠海 二○一二年五月 毕业设计论文诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺我所呈交的毕业设计《珠海市南湾大道交通工程设计》是在指导教师的指导下独立开展研究取得的成果文中引用他人的观点和材料均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献论文使用的数据真实可靠 承诺人签名 日期 年 月 日 桂丹路交通工程设计 摘 要 关键词交通工程 设计 交叉口 信号配时 交通标志标线 Communication Engineering Design of Guidan Road Abstract Along with the development of city traffic form produced tremendous changing the requirements of communication engineering design for people are also increasing such as road safety in the design reasonable comfortable humanistic philosophy is each designers pursuit of the goal Based on the traffic design analysis is made of problems in road design including the from of cross section the width of lanes design vehicle speed bus stops and markings and channelizeion at intersections The condition of traffic is a significant element to the development of medium or small urban The major design content for traffic improvement of intersection is introduced And combined with the crossings of Guidan road and Lianxing road principle and steps are elaborated Author points out that the improvement design can effectively decrease delay increase the traffic capacity for intersection It research result can balanced network saturation degree exaltation traffic safety with smooth the study is of great practical importance and reference value in improvement on road efficiency and service level improvement city of whole appearance promote city development and in compilation of relevant design specification Key words Communication Engineering Design Crossings Signaltimingdial Road traffic signs and markings 目 录 摘 要 I 1 工程概况 1 2 研究思路内容和设计依据 5 21 国内外研究现状 5 22 研究思路和内容 5 23研究技术路线 6 24 设计依据 6 3 路段交通设计 7 31协调设计 7 com况 7 com计内容 7 32人行道设计 8 com则 8 com定 8 com施 8 com 9 33行人过街横道设计 9 com则 9 com择 9 com定 10 com 10 34非机动车道设计 10 com则 10 com定 10 com施 11 com计 11 4 交通工程设计 12 41设计概况 12 42 交叉口设计 12 com计 12 com计 18 1进口道设计 18 2信号控制方案的确定 18 3车道展宽段及渐变段的设计 20 4设计方案评价 22 5 交通设施设计 24 51交通标



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