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选择15*2 填空20空*1 计算问答题 6个50分 (有关课后习题的英文自己看书,初稿先这样了,最终解释权归无名氏。。。。bye) 六道大题 OSI or TCP/IP(分几层,画图也可以;每层的名字;每层的功能,一到两句话简单描述;每层的主要协议;每一层的PDU是什么即数据单位) OSI(Open Systems Interconnection)has7 layers. As following Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer, Presentation Layer, Application Layer.(物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表达层、应用层) 作用: The Physical Layer is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel.(物理层涉及到在通信信道上传输的原始数据位)(bits) Data Link Layer: The main task is to transform a row transmission facility into a line that appears free of undetected transmission errors to the network layer.(主要任务是将一个原始的传输设施变成一条逻辑的传输线路,在这条传输线路上,所有未检测出来的传输错误也会反映到网络层上。)(frame)(HDLC、PPP) The Network Layer controls the operation of the subnet. A key design issue is determining how packets are routed from source to destination.(控制子网的运行过程。一个关键的设计问题是确定如何将分组从源端路由到目的端。)(packets) The basic function of the Transport Layer is to accept data from above , split it up into smaller units if need be , pass these to the network layer , and ensure that the pieces all arrive correctly at the other end.(传输层的基本功能是接受上一层的数据,并且在必要的时候把这些数据分割成小的单元,然后把数据单元传递给网络层,并且确保这些数据片段都能够正确地到达另一端。) (The Transport Layer is a true end-to-end layer 传输层是一个真正的端到端的层) The Session Layer allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them. (允许不同机器上的用户之间建立对话。) The presentation layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information transmitted.(关注所传递信息的语法和语义。) The Application Layer contains a variety of protocols that are commonly needed by users. (包含了各种各样的协议,这些协议往往直接针对用户的需求。) TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) has 4 layers. As following Host-to-network Layer, Internet Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer.(主机至网络、互连网层、传输层、应用层): 作用: The Host-to-Network Layer: 同 OSI Physical and Data Link The Internet Layer:同OSI Network Layer (IP、ARP、RARP、ICMP) The Transport Layer: 同OSI Transport Layer (TCP、UDP) The application Layer: 同OSI applicatio


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