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八路无线抢答器的毕业设计 摘 要 在今天信息技术的时代里,电子技术被越来越普及,在大家对电子技术广泛的推崇传播和致力研究下,数字电路的形式变得具有简单、标准、模块、通用的特点,在很多行业得到迅速的发展和应用。 抢答器并不陌生,在电视媒体或实际比赛场合中,得到了普遍的应用。它能快速地判断出最先抢答的选手编号。以往的抢答器都是用导线连接抢答模块和接收模块,非常不便。本次设计是一个八路无线抢答器,利用单片机模拟2262编码,模拟2272解码,加上两个无线发射接收模块,主持人按下开始抢答键之后,数码管显示倒计时时间,如果有选手抢答,则显示抢答者的编号,在倒数5秒时,每一秒发出报警声提示。假如说单片机系统的硬件结构构成了抢答系统的“骨骼”,那么单片机的C程序给身体注入了“血液”,此次设计相比于传统的抢答器具有性价比高,运行稳定可靠等优点。 关键词: 信息技术,电子技术,八路无线抢答器 ,单片机 ABSTRACT In todays era of information technology, electronic technology has been more and more popular, in research and to praise spread all of electronic technology, digital circuit form becomes simple, standard, characteristic module, general, gets rapid development and application in many industries. Responder is not strange, in the television media or the actual game situations, have been widely used for. It can quickly judge the player number first responder. Responder of the past are connected by wires answering module and a receiving module, very inconvenient. This design is a eight wireless responder, using 2262 microcontroller simulation code, analog decoder 2272, plus two wireless transmitting and receiving module, then host press the start the answer key, digital tube display the countdown time, if the contestant vies to answer first, then answer the number, in the last 5 seconds, each a second tick tips. If the hardware structure of single-chip microcomputer system constitute the responder system bones, then the SCM C program to the body into the blood, vies to answer first the design compared to traditional has the advantages of high cost performance, stable and reliable operation. Keywords:Information technology,Electronic technology, Eight wireless responder, SCM 目录 第1章 绪论 5 1.1 选题的目的与意义 5 1.1.1 意义 5 1.1.2 目的 5 1.2 研究范围及国内外研究现状 5 1.2.1 研究范围 5 1.2.2 国外的研究现状 6 1.2.3 国内的研究现状 6 1.3 重点研究的问题 6 1.4 解决问题思路 6 第2章 无线抢答器模块介绍和方案确定 8 2.1 编码发射接收模块 8 2.2 控制模块 11 2.3 显示模块 11 第3章 无线抢答器的实现功能和总体设计 13 3.1 抢答器



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