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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福独立写作真题和解析 摘要: 托福独立写作真题和解析,下面便为您解析写作题目Agree or disagree: it is important to have rules about the types ofclothing that people are allowed to wear at work or school.。 解析: 1、开头:话题引入+双方/对方观点+我方观点(thesis)及过渡句 80字--5分钟 2、TS1:营造良好的工作及学习氛围。 100字--8分钟 3、TS2:便于公司或学校体现专业形象。100字--8分钟 4、让步段:承认一下规范穿着也有一些坏处,限制自由,不利于个性;+打压(1.指出这与…相比其实是一个次要问题;或2.提出解决方案;或3.换一种角度思考柳暗花明)+回归主旨(我还是认为,规范穿衣有好处的)80字--5分钟 5、结尾:重申观点+归纳上述理由。60字--3分钟 开头:With remarkable progress of the society, the standard of peoples dressing style hasundergone profound changes. Concerning the debate that whether it is important to haverules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work orschool, people differ in their attitudes. It is widely acknowledged that it isgood for people to show their individuality by wearing types of clothing at their will. However, I firmly holdthe view that dressing code in school or at work is a necessity. Andmy reasons and examples are given below. 让步段:Admittedly, wearing certain types of clothing can have one ortwo downsides. For instance, dressing code makes people lack of individuality. However,compared with good grades in school and satisfactory working performance, the expression of one’s individuality by wearing different clothes is in fact a minor issue, because good grades and working performance have nothing to do with ones clothing. And therefore, I am still convinced that having rules about types of clothing is essential for students or staff members. 结尾段: From what has been discussed above, we cansafely draw a conclusion that it is very important to standardize people’sdressing at work or school. Not only because uniformed clothing can create aprofessional atmosphere, but also it makes it convenient for school authortiy and companies to manage its students and staff. 推荐新闻: 托福写作5种基础句型大盘点 美国人教你写出地道美式作文 托福官方推荐的写作范文 相关字搜索: 托福写作


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