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全球首部內置130萬像素鏡頭,VGA解像屏幕的掌上電腦 Asus華碩MyPal A730隆重登場 售價$4180 Features: Slim纖細 Digital Camera130萬像數相机 Landscape View橫向顯示 Bluetooth Support無線藍芽傳輸 USB Host VGA Display: High Resolution-640X480 resolution VGA解像屏幕顯示 Dual Slots Built-in: CF Card/SD Card雙插卡擴充力強 Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition最新的掌上電腦作業系統 Removable Battery可置換式電池設計 ASUS Smart Keeper獨家永無遺失資料技術 Its time to leave behind your notebook, digital camera, MP3 player and voice recorder… The ASUS MyPal A730 is one device to replace all. A professional yet stylish design and various entertainment features make this all-new Pocket PC the ideal companion for all situations. 把電腦留在桌上,數位相機放進櫃子,紙筆束之高閣,隨身聽、錄音筆也通通忘記!從今天起,您只需要 ASUS MyPal A730 ,陪伴您的行動數位生活,有了 ASUS MyPal A730 ,世界就在您的口袋裡! 1.3 Mega-Pixel camera built in 內置百萬像素數碼相机 With a 1.3 Mega-Pixel camera built in, the MyPal A730 let you capture the greatest moments of your life into high-quality photos. It also provides video camera function and a 3.7-inch LCD, much larger than those of any digital camera. 內建一百三十萬像素數碼相机, 隨手擷取生活精彩片刻. 支援不限時間的錄影功能*, 想拍多久就拍多久. 搭配3.7吋LCD螢幕, 是超大顯示屏, 也是數碼相框,享受更勝數碼相机的拍攝體驗. *錄影長度視記憶卡大小而定 High-resolution, large-size VGA display 超大3.7吋高畫質VGA螢幕, 完美視覺呈現 The Mypal A730 comes equipped with a 640x480 resolution, 3.7-inch VGA display, making it perfect for image and video applications. It further offers portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal) viewing mode for the most convenient visual experience. 最高規格之LCD螢幕解像度-640X480, 提供平順流暢的文字呈現與細膩的影像品質, 大幅改善低解像度螢幕常見的鋸齒字, 變形字. 支援橫向瀏覽模式, 不論是看網頁, 拍照片, 看電影, 都能提供嶄新舒適的視覺體驗. Performance and expandability for today and tomorrow 功能全面, 擴充性超強 First to adopt Intels latest PXA270 processor for superior computing power Supports Bluetooth wireless technology and CF/SD dual expansion slots Provides calendar, phonebook, Pocket Outlook, MSN instant message and MP3 functions. 領先業界, 配搭Intel最新款行動運算處理器, 效能更強更省電 支援藍芽無線通訊, CF/SDIO雙插卡, USB Host 功能, 無可匹敵的擴充性 完整商務功能, 行事曆, 通訊錄資料可與桌上電腦之Microsoft Outlook同步 支援MSN即


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