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MV *****Procedure Specification of Steering Gear Repair 1,修理前先进行舵机运转试验检查运动部件的运行情况。Before repair, we will do the steering gear running test to check the running condition. 2,进坞后先测量上下舵钮的间隙,上舵承间隙测量,数据记录。舵杆与舵叶联接平面检查,紧配螺栓检查,确定舵杆与舵叶的联接情况。测量重磅平面至撞杆柱塞中心线的高度数据记录。测量撞杆柱塞与十字头的间隙A、B两位置。测量舵叶与假舵的间隙C、D两位置。测量舵杆中心至撞杆柱塞销的距离。(如图1).After drydocking, measure and record rudder pintles clearances and rudder carrier clearances, check the condition of flanges bolts that connect rudder stock and rudder blade to know how about the connection, Measure and record the distance between ram center line and foundation flange surface, measure and record upper clearance lower clearance A\B between ram and tiller fork, measure and record the jumping clearances C\D, measure and record the distance between rudder stock center line and Ram pin. 图1. 原始数据测量示意图 (drawing for measurement) 3,拆除上下舵钮,拆除舵杆与舵叶平面联接紧配螺栓。舵叶吊离船体放妥。Dismantle rudder pintles, and dismantle the bolts connecting rudder stock flange and rudder blade flange, then lift rudder blade away. 4,拆除转舵十字头,拆除转舵轴承总成。测量舵杆轴径,轴承直径,检查平面轴承的贴合面,平面轴承包扎好吊车间放妥。Dismantle rudder tiller and ruuder carrier assembly, measure and record the diameters of rudder stock and rudder carrier bush, check the condition of plane bearing, then pack the plane bearing and transport it to workshop. 5,坞修钳工用拉线方法测量假舵上平面至重磅法兰底座的距离允许误差1mm。Measure and record the distance between upper surface of rudder horn and foundation flange by drawing wire, allowed error is within 1mm. 6,轮机钳工测量左、右液缸柱塞与压紧密封函法兰的间隙数据记录。以四周壁拉出液缸柱塞的十字线。Measure and record clearance between rams (both sides) and stuffing flanges. To position 4 reference points on 4 sides wall by drawing wire, and mark them, that will be used for positioning the steering gear when refit them later. 7,转舵液缸地座前割除前,必须进行加强用。133mm的管子,横向烧焊加强。Before cutting the steering gear with its foundation frames (both sides), we will weld pipes (dia, 133mm) to the both sides frames to strengthen the whole set to prevent deformation. 8,转舵液缸底座焊缝烊掉后,轮机钳工复测左、


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