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本科毕业设计说明书 井下巷道变形在线监测 D Underground Tunnel Deformation Monitoring 井下巷道变形在线监测 摘要 关键词:ZigBee,数据采集,激光测距 D Underground Tunnel Deformation Monitoring ABSTRACT The design is based on the transmission lines of downhole control station data acquisition device. China as an energy superpower, in mine safety monitoring this is particularly important, in the traditional way of cable used communication cable has a lot of disadvantages. First underground large mechanical movement to cause interruption of communication cable rupture. Second downhole environment wiring is a thinking and for a large number of communication cable network problems Considering the flexibility of underground cable data acquisition device of traditional way more bad of the premise, also considering the advantages of wireless transmission is proposed in this paper, based on ZigBee wireless transmission of downhole data acquisition, the design adopts double STC12C5A60S2 of single-chip microcomputer serial communication, through a serial port 1 control ZigBee passthrough module can be transmitted to the computer terminal display, serial port 2 is used to control the laser ranging module for various measurement devices returned data. System overall scheme is: at the beginning of the PC for testing instructions; Terminal response to address; PC send address; Serial port 1 received data for its own address, and start a measurement task, or enter a dormant state; Finally PC response data and processing. The design points based on transmission line underground station the functions can be real-time response whether underworkings appears to be out of shape. KEYWARDS: ZigBee, data collection, laser ranging 目录 摘要(中文)…………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 摘要(外文)……………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 1绪论 5 1.1课题研究的背景和意义 5 1.2 ZigBee技术概述 5 2系统总体方案概述 7 2.1测量节点的选择 7 2.2测量装置选择和工作原理 7 2.3在线监测方案 10 2.4数据传输 11 2.5测量装置要求 12 2.5.1.测量装置应能适应测量点的位置改变 12 2.5.2.考虑成本和性能问题选用铅酸蓄电池方式 12 2.5.3.同一位置的多点测量用步进电机控制激光模块实现 13 3 硬件总体方案 14 3.1单片机选取 14 3.1.1单


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