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Unit Five: Auxiliary, Infinitive, Participle(II) Issues of this unit: 1) Auxiliary verbs 助动词 2) Verb infinitives 动词不定式 3) Participles of -ed and -ing 分词 英语中一共有3个基本助动词:do, have, be和13个情态动词(modal verbs)(Page 281)。 do 作助动词:加在否定词前构成否定句(do not) 可以加在主动词前表示强调 Do be honest! I do want it! have 作助动词:主要协助构成完成体等 have done be 作助动词:主要协助构成进行体、被动态等 be doing be done 1) Auxiliary verbs 助动词 这里我们关注的是情态动词,它们分别表示能力、可能、必然、义务、许可、意愿、决心等。 Most likely, you are already experts on what they mean. For instance: I believe I can fly. / You can use my car. We ought to abide by the traffic rules. It must have rained, ‘cause the ground is wet. The truth will out. 所以,接下来我们看看一些需要注意的问题。 1. can and be able to: 由于can没有多少形态变化,所以表示能力时一般表示现在的能力,而过去和将来的能力一般用be able to(时态的区别)。could虽然也可指过去的能力,但一般不指具体能力。 I can speak English = I’m able to speak English. CAFUC students will be able to win the CCTV CUP. The genius could (was able to) write at age 4. But: Schumacher was able to drive the racing car when he was a child. 还有:can可以表示机会、条件等,able to则不能。 Every child can dream of becoming the president. She can go to university not because she studies well, but because she dances well. 注1:在否定句中,cannot = not be able to; couldn’t = was (were) not able to; could即可指一般能力,也可表示具体能力. We couldn’t (weren’t able to) reach the summit of the mountain because of the storm.? 注2:can表示“许可”时不能用be able to替换;如: You can always use my typewriter. You are always able to use my typewriter. × 2. must and have to must:说话人的想法;have to:客观要求 例如: I must be there on time, as I hate to be late. I have to be there on time, or I’ll miss the bus. 注:must (必须)的否定不是mustn’t,而是do not have to或者needn’t。比较: Must I do it? No, you needn’t / don’t need to. No, you don’t have to. May I use “Chinaman” to say of a Chinese? No, you mustn’t say it like that. (mustn’t是may的否定,意为“不准、禁止”) 5. 情态动词+不定式进行或完成体, 表示推测或可能性:


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