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Task 1Describe a teacher that you like, and why do you like this teacher. Task 2Do you prefer to respond to changes immediately or after careful planning and consideration? Task 3 Dear University, I am writing on behalf of the student body and several concerned faculty members. I would like to recommend that the review period for the finals be extended from 1 week to 3 weeks. This would be extremely important for students to organize the information they have studied over the course of the year. Also, this would allow them to adjust from the study period to the testing period. A: What do you think about the letter a student wrote to the university? B: I think it’s not a good idea. A: Why not? B: First of all, a student’s academic performance should be over a long process, and not just a final cram session at the end of the semester. This would not be helpful at all to the student. A: But the extra days wouldn’t be that bad. B: I guess, but during the finals not all of the classes have tests. Some of the classes students need to complete reports or research, and you usually need to set up meetings with professors to finish this project. The problem is at the end of the semester professors are very busy and it would very difficult to make an appointment with them. In the reading passage,the author suggests the university to exten preparation time for the final exams.However,in the conversation,the man strongly opposes this idea for the following reasons.First,according to the winter,the reason why he proposed this suggestion is that students could use this period of time to organize their knowledge.Whereas,the man thinks that instead of inal exam,students’ scores should be judged according to their performances during the whole semester.As a result,this policy would not be helpful ar all.Second,as the writer said,one benefit of this proposal is that it could allow students to adjust from the studying mode to the testing mode.Whereas,the man argued that as some student


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