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动中带静:一个年龄段中各个电影所占的比例 随着年龄段的变化,各个电影的所占比例的变化 两点都要写,全面覆盖 主体段关注动态 Animation 和 action 下降了,由第一个年龄段的多少到最后一个年龄段的多少 Drama和 documentary上升,第一个年龄段仅有多少到后来变为了多少 Romance 相对稳定 Overview:总结20-35喜欢看animation and action films,51-65喜欢看drama and documentary,而36-50较平均,差异不大(总结关注静态) 范文:The three pie charts indicate the changes of preference for assorted movies among people from different age groups. It is obvious that the preference for drama and documentary increases dramatically with age. Specifically, people age 20-35 years old who prefer drama and documentary account for only 15% and 11% respectively, while the percentages for elder people (51-65 years old) are significantly higher, representing about 30% each. In contrast, animation and action films show an opposite trend, with over 50% of young people (20-35 years old) choosing them. However, elder people who like animation and action films account for less than 20% collectively. Noticeably, romance movies’ popularity does not vary according to age and stays still at around 20% for all three age groups. Overall,people of different ages prefer different kinds of movies: Most young audience prefers animation and action films, while drama and documentary are old people’s favorite.We can be also noted that middle-aged people (37-50 years old) have no particular preference for movies and the percentage of each kind of movie is around 20% of this group. 剑8T2


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