上海版牛津英语5B课件M3U3the weather精品.ppt

上海版牛津英语5B课件M3U3the weather精品.ppt

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上海版牛津英语5B课件M3U3the weather精品

weather [U]n. 天气,气象 不可数名词 The seasons What is the weather like? 天气怎么样? 像…一样 In spring,it’s warm. In autumn,it’s cool. In summer,it’s hot. In winter,it’s cold. What can you see in the sky? I can see… the sun /s?n/ n. 太阳 sunny / s?n i/ adj. 阳光明媚的 What’s the weather like ? It’s sunny. 天气晴朗/阳光明媚 What can you see in the sky? I can see… a cloud n. 云 cloudy adj. 多云的 What’s the weather like ? It’s cloudy.多云 What can you see in the sky? I can see… the rain n. 雨 rainy adj. 下雨的, 多雨的 What’s the weather like ? It’s rainy. 下雨 What can you see in the sky? I can see… the snow n. 雪 snowy adj. 下雪的 What’s the weather like It’s snowy.下雪 Look at the leaves. What can you feel? I can feel… the wind n. 风 windy adj. 多风的 What’s the weather like ? It’s windy.有风 Look at the sky! What is that? That is a storm! /st?:m/ n. 暴风雨 stormy adj. 有暴风雨的 What’s the weather like ? It’s stormy.下暴风雨 将下列名词变为形容词形式 sun cloud rain snow wind storm stormy sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy What do you like? I like the…… Guess! What does Amy like? Amy likes the sun. Amy doesn’t like the __?__. and The high temperature The low temperature High: 19OC is nineteen degrees(度). is ten degrees. Low: 10OC What is the temperature? What is the weather like? n.温度,气温 It’s cloudy. [temprit??] Here’s the weather for Friday, the fourteenth of June.(6月14号) This morning it was hot and sunny. The temperature was thirty-five degrees. This afternoon it was wet. There were ten millimetres of rain. milli metre 毫,千分之一 米 kilo metre 千,千克 米 10毫米的雨量 kilometre千米 It was very windy. A storm is coming from the South China Sea. come from 来自于 come to 去(某地) come from…to 从…到…) The plane comes Beijing to Shanghai. 这架飞机从北京飞往上海。


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