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THE ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER CREDIT WHICHIMPACT ON GUANGXI ECoNOMIC GROWTHABSTRACTSince refom and opening-up,our coun仃y residents’income and consumption leVel have been improVed constantly, the expansion of consumer demand and the conVersion of consumption stmcture become the main engine of rapid economic growth of China.Enter later stage of the 1 990s,as the prelimina巧establishment of Buyer’s ma伙et of our country,the resident consumer demand which innuence to national economic deVelopment is increasing constamly.From the real situation, the consumption rate is too 10w but the saVing rate is too high may lead to that China’s economic gro、矾h in the coming period is seriouslyconStrained by the domestic market demand. Therefore, Vigorously deVelop consumer credit, encourage the consumption policy; expand domestic demaJld to driVe the fast growth goal continuously of national economy should be the adjustment basic orientation of our goVemment’s economic policy at present.This paper collects the releVant data of the wh01e count巧andGuangxi ProVince,use me qualitatiVe analysis and quantitatiVe analysis toⅡdemonstrate the theo巧that consumer credit promotion economy,men obtains the reasons which make the deVelopment of Guangxi consumer credit slower than the、Ⅳhole count巧are consumers,financial institutions and the extemal enVironment,at last suggest that GuangXi should raise the bearing loan a_bilit),of consumers by increasing income of residents, improVing the social guarantee system,changing consumer concepts a11d so on.At the same time should encourage more financial institutions iIldeVeloping consumer credit business and improVe seⅣice quality,Finally, Should also strengthen releVant credit systems and releVant legal systems of Guangxi,speeds up the union of consumer credit and insurance,createa good extemal enVironment condition for deVelopment of meconsumptiVe credit of Guangxi.Key words:DeVelopment Consumer credit Economic growthHI缩写、符号说明CD表示消费信贷余额 PCD表示人均消费信贷余额 PUR



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