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Subject:Control of Power Supply System of Synthetic Coalface Based On SDR TechnologySpeciality:Power Electronics and Electrical DriveName :Liu Yuan(Signature)盘么狂l乙墟Instructor:Zhu Hua(Signature)山目么么.AbstractThrough a summary of development and actuality of monitoring and control technology for coal mine,the paper pointed out a limitation of lineate data mode,and designed a new controlling means for power supply system of synthetical coalface based on SDR technology to power-down the working equipment when the gas’thickness out of the criterion.功e paper putted forward a concrete controlling means by analyzing structure of powersupply system for coal mine.Its achievement needed three parts:control equipment for monitoring the gas’thickness and sending out the control signal;control circuit for receiving the signal and cutting the power supply;wireless sensor network for signal transmission.111e paper defined the design process of control equipment including hardware designand software design.In the first part,it broached hardware frame aim at the function of equipment,and devided it into four parts:ARM7 COre board,motherboard,data acquisition board and wireless module.In the second part,it defined the design process of soRware based on it of embedded system software,and broached the flow chart of soRware.The paper tested the function of control equipment and contro circuit by two experiments,signal receving experiment of wireless module and relay long-distance control experiments,and showed the results.Finally,the paper analyzed the node deployment method of wireless sensor network through emulational software,confirmed the number of floating and immovable node,and put forward some attentive problems when deploying nodes actually by analyzing the characteristic of wireless transmission in coal mine.Key words:Power supply system for synthetic coalfaceZigbee technologyControl Thesis:Application Research西娄料技夫学学位论文独创性说明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作 及其取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中加以标
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