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Cohesion Cohesion Devices Reference (照应) Reference Exophora(境外照应) Endophora(境内照应) Anaphora Cataphora (回指) (下指) Substitution and Ellipsis Ellipsis Conjunction Lexical Cohesion Company Logo * LOGO * Cohesion P184 - P197 衔 接 The concept of cohesion, as defined by Halliday and Hasan, is a semantic one. It refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Reference 照应 Substitution and Ellipsis 替代和省略 Conjunction 关联 Lexical cohesion 词汇衔接 Reference refers to the semantic relation in which a word or words are used to enable the addressee to identify someone or something. Reference item(指代成分):the word or words used for reference . Referent(指示物): the person(s) or thing(s) identified by the reference item . Reference can be sub-categorize as follow : Exophora : this is also called exophoric reference or situational reference, referring to an item whose referent is retrievable in the context of situation. Endophora : this is also called endophoric reference or textual reference, referring to an item whose referent can be retrieved within the text. I’m here now. In this utterance, the person deixis(指示) I refers exophorically to the speaker. The time deixis now refers exophorically to the time at which this utterance is produced. And the place deixis here refers exophorically to the place where the utterance is produced or the place where the speaker is currently located. Anaphora : refers to an item whose referent is retrievable in the preceding part of the text. Cataphora is an item whose referent can be retrieved within the succeeding part of the text. One has to do his duties. It is generally accepted that the earth revolves around the sun. Personal Reference(人称照应) Demonstrative Reference(指示照应) Comparative Reference (比较照应) Three types of reference : Personal reference is reference through the


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