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Chapter one Introduction What is nematode? also called as Helminths, less evaluated , Uniterbrate, lives anywhere in the world, elongate, threadlike, active or inactive animal, seen with or without magnifying lens or microscope. What is plant nematodes? Those parasite plant. History of plant nematology 1742 Needham Anguina tritici wheat loss 3 00, 000, 000kg Chapter one Introduction History of plant nematology 1742 Needham Anguina tritici wheat loss 3 00, 000, 000kg 1859 Suger beet Heterodera Schachtii 1907 First lab of Plant nematology in USA “Nematology” 1943 chemical nematicide 1953 Society of European nematologiats 1962 Society of Americal nematologist Nematology , Journal of Nematology , international journal of Nematology , Fundamental and applied nematology 1980’s Society of Chinese nematology , Till today 100 members Chapter two Structure and Function Introduction Three parts lip body tail Digestive System Reproductive System Nervous System Excretory System Chapter two Structure and Function Biology of Nematodes-Structure Introduction Long tubular organism 1-2mm long and 30-50um. Body wall three layers : cuticle, annulation , lateral lines, caudal alae or copulatory bursae. hypodermis, muscles Cephalic structures 6 lips amphids stoma stylet Pharynx and Intestine Pharynx procorpus Anterior portion Metacorpus Isthmus Basal bulb Chapter two Structure and Function Pharynx and Intestine Pharynx procorpus Anterior portion Metacorpus A wider portion, just behind the procorpus, sometimes in the form of a muscular pump, called the median bulb. Isthmus A narrow section connecting the metacorpus to the basal portion. Basal bulb The region just anterior


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