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Management of Abandonment 废弃管理 Abandonment of a mine should be treated as a project. It is a discrete activity having a beginning and an end and should be managed to the three criteria of quality, cost and time. It would be sensible to appoint a Project Manager and to prepare a full analysis of the project content 煤矿的废弃应放置在项目的高度。这是一项有始有终的工作,应该以质量、成本和时间三项标准作为管理依据。指定项目经理并对项目进行全面的分析准备是明智的。 The project prospectus should identify the necessary engineering and technical skills to design and supervise the work, and the skills and labour force to discharge the work. 项目说明书应明确各项必需的工程和技术技能,设计并监督各项施工的开展 * Shaft Treatment 矿井处理 The arguments for and against filling shafts often depend on professional opinion and are usually site specific. 是否回填矿井的讨论往往依据专业的评判,各矿有各自的特点。 Where shafts are filled, the shaft fill material will inevitably slump over a period so that the supposed support from fill material may not actually be present. What is vital is that the shaft capping is correctly designed and sited (ideally at rock head level) and that its integrity does not depend on the shaft walls, whether the shaft is filled or not. 在需要回填的矿井中,填料不可避免地会有一个下陷的过程,因此假设的来自填料的支撑是不存在的。井帽设计合理、放置准确是至关重要的(理想位置是在硬岩层面上)。同样重要的是,井帽的整体性并不取决于井壁,无论矿井是否回填。 An unfilled shaft is almost certain to provide a route for the pressure release of gas from the abandoned workings. Where gas make is predicted to be significant it may be the best way of controlling the problem to leave the shaft empty, and build a structurally sound cap with a connection to a vent stack. However, gas problems are considered potentially hazardous and, if not treated correctly at the abandonment design stage, a long term costly liability. 可以肯定的是未回填的矿井可以成为废弃工作区的气压释放的通道。预测产生气体的方位非常重要。这样可以找到最佳的控制方式,使矿井处于合理的状态,并可以将井帽与通风口进行合理的连接。气体问题是需要考虑的潜在危害因素。若在废弃设计阶段处置不当,将会留下隐患。 * Possible Phases of Abandonment 供参考的废弃程序 Salvage any Equipment 移出所有设备 Prepare and strip Shafts for filling 准备回填 At the Surface disconnect services and complete demolitions 终止服


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