仁爱英语 七年级上unit4+复习PPT培训课件.ppt

仁爱英语 七年级上unit4+复习PPT培训课件.ppt

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Unit4 复习 1.商店购物用语:服务员提供帮助、询问看法,顾客询问价钱。 2.20-1000以内数字的表达法。 3.通过单位(公斤/条/瓶)表达可数/不可数名词的数量。 4.打电话用语。 5.野餐用语:时间、地点、人物、携带的东西、做的事情。(见p91:1c, p96:2a) 6.询问时间及时间的两种表达法(间接法/直接法);是时间做某事的句型。 7.描述动物:特点、喜爱吃的食物、对动物的喜爱程度。 8.两组介词:on/in/at,with/like/for。;Can/May I help you? =What can I do for you? How much is it? How much water do you need? How many apples do you need? How heavy…? It’s one kilo/two kilos a bag. Here you are. / Here it is. Let me help you.;单元重点句型: 1. What do you think of …? =How do you like …? 2. Why not try on that pair? 3. How/What about the blue one? 4. Thank you. / Thanks all the same. ;Functions;Can I help you?;1. What do you think of …? =How do you like …? I like it/them very much. I don’t like it/them at all. 2. Why not try on that pair? 3. How/What about the blue one? 4. Are you kidding? 5. I’ll think about it. 6. Thank you. / Thanks all the same. ;¥56;A: How much are these pants?;I’m just looking,thanks.;数字记忆口诀 ;one two three four five six seven eight nine ten;30;2a;巧记不可数名词;自学指导一.总结可数名词与不可数名词区别!;kilo bag loaf bar bottle tin;I want to buy some apples. What do you think of these apples?;;a bag of salt;5 kilo;I need two bags of rice. How much rice do you need?; I need three bottles of milk. How many bottles of milk do you need?;1. __________ rice do you want? 2. __________ hamburgers would you like? 3. __________ water is there in the glass? 4. __________ apples do they need?; (1) 打电话 ①—Hello! —Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. ② I’ll call her. (2) 约定 —Are you free this Sunday? —Yes. What’s up? (3) 邀请 —Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? —Oh, I’d love to. (4) 提醒 Please tell Maria about it. ;(1)—Hello! —Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. (2)—Are you free this Sunday? —Yes. What’s up? (3)—Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? —Oh, I’d love to. (4)—Please tell Maria about it. —Sure. I’ll call her. (



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