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10 大常犯语法错误 (一)大小写错误 病句:students should go abroad to study. For one thing, It brings us great convenience and efficiency. (二)名词单复数 病句:In my opinion, student should study abroad. Internet provides us with many useful informations. (三) 主谓一致 病句:Exploring the unknown places are a great pleasure to many people. Internet provide us with much useful information. Internet can provides us with much useful information. The disadvantages which are brought about by environmental pollution is very detrimental. A country which only depend upon its tradition will never become a powerful one. (四)时态使用错误 Now more and more parents sent their children to study abroad. In the past, family is a very important concept in many people’s minds. Some people argued that women should join the army. (五)时态使用错误 We should be take some effective measures. Some people think that old buildings should preserve. Old people should be take care of at home. (六) 动词短语做主语 I think set up a camera in the residential area is the best way to ensure the security of the dwellers. It is commonly accepted that respect the old is a virtue. (七) there be 句型使用错误 There are many people believe that computers are useful. There have many people who believe that computers are useful. (八)代词使用错误 病句:If one has talents and self-confidence, we will likely succeed. Students should learn how to take care of themself. (九)用词错误 病句:With the society development, more and more young people go abroad to study. It is benefit to children. I am agree with the latter view. We must choice a way which is suitable for us. (十) 标点符号使用错误 Wearing traditional clothing is a way to remember our history and culture, however, it is not an effective way. Some people think that students should study abroad, some others believe that they should study in their home country. With the limited budget. The government is unable to invest much money in education.


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