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Infertility 不孕症 Falsification 弄虚作假;歪曲 Household 一家人 家庭的 家用的;家喻户晓的 Summon 传唤 召集; 传讯 Congress 代表大会;国会 议会 Talk show You did give me a good scare! 你着实吓了我一跳 What a scare you gave me,disappearing like that! 你那样突然消失,可真把我吓了一跳! The ghost story frightened the pants off me 这个鬼故事把我吓得够呛啊! Have such thing unexpectedly? Frighten me to jump! 居然有这样的事? 吓我一跳! Archaeologist 考古学家 Longstanding 长时间的 长期存在的 Decay 使腐烂 使腐朽;衰败 衰退 Era 历史时期 时代 阶段 Netizen 网民 Reveal 显示 露出;泄露 透露;揭露 Timeliness 及时 及时性 Credibility 可靠性 可信性;公信力 Sweatshop 血汗工厂 Headquarters 总部 总店; 司令部 指挥部 脱口而出的句子: All life is a game of luck. Along the river during the qingming festival 清明上河图 Retain 保持 保留 Pavilion 临时展出管;看台 Consecutive 连续的 连贯的 Post 帖子 Scathing 严厉的 尖刻的 不留情的 Exemption 免除 豁免 Anchor 锚; (担任)电视节目主持人 Reuters 路透社(英国) Quotable 值得引用的 We’ve got to stop blaming the Chinese and blaming everybody else,and take a look at ourselves. ————纽约市长布隆伯格 I’m a bad influence. That’s why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation,fewer of you might be here today. —————Bill Gates Surge 急剧上升 激增 Immerse 使浸入 ;使沉浸于 沉浸于 Regulation 管理 控制 规则 法规 Macaroni 通心粉 形容那些外表光鲜亮丽而实质一无是处的人,虚有其表 A:Hey,do you see that guy over there? He is so hot! B:Hope he is not a macaroni person. 李阳英语: Order Are you ready to order now? Sport What sports are you good at ? Abnormally Warm It’s getting warmer day by day. Award Force Source More Explore I’d like to explore more of western china. Door Did you lock the door? China’s open door policy has proved to be a huge success. Thank you for visiting ,let me show you to the door. I can’t afford a new car,I can’t even afford a new bicycle. I don’t like getting up early in the morning, I hate it more than anything else. There is something fishy about this. 这事儿准油猫腻。 2.I think there’s something very shady about this contract. 我觉得这张合同里面一定有什么猫腻。 3 . A kind man is above such tricky things. 善良的人是不屑于耍猫腻的


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