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效果图制作委托合同书 Rendering production commission contract(Party A): (Party B): The first record: 项目名称: Project name: 制作内容:效果图 Making content: Rendering drawings 第二条:甲方向乙方提交的有关资料及文件 The second record : The relevant information and documents shall submit by Party A; 建筑设计平面图、立面图、顶面图等其他完整的设计方案。 Architecture design plan, elevation, end face figure and other completed design plan. 2. 与方案有关的参考图片。 Pictures relevant to design plan. 第三条:乙方向甲方交付的文件 The third record: The documents shall deliver by Party B 1.乙方按照甲方的要求及提供的文件资料制作效果图,并在双方协商规定的时间内以电子文件(刻光盘 )的形式交付甲方。 1.Party B produce rendering according to Party As requirement and file provided by Party A, and deliver the soft copy file (CD) to Party A within the stipulated time by both parties. 2.甲乙双方商定自合同签订之日起 15 日内完成制作内容。即:XX 年 XX 月 XX日之前交付文件。 2. Both parties agreed the work shall be completed within 15 days after the date of signing this contract. Namely: deliver the documents before XX XX 20XX. 第四条:制作费用 The fourth record: production cost 双方商定制作费如下表,并奉送电子文件叁份。 Both sides agreed in the list below budget, and provide three copies in electronic file. 单位:人民币 unit: RMB 目录 Category 类别 Description 数量 Number 单价 Unit price 总价 Total price 单体图 Eye-level perspective 2.制作费支付办法 production cost payment (1)合同签定后,甲方支付XXX元作为预付款。 After signing the contract, party A shall pay RMBXXX as advance payment. (2)乙方制作的效果图经甲方确认合格,并按本合同约定向甲交付成品及相应的电子文件后,甲方支付余款,合同结束。 (2)The renderings produced by Party B, Party A confirm if it is qualified, Party B deliver the finished product and the corresponding electronic documents accordance with the contract , part A shall pay the remain balance, the contract ends. (3)乙方制作的效果图未能通过甲方验收, 乙方应根据甲方意见修改直至甲方验收通过,若逾期10日仍未能通过甲方验收,甲方有权依据本合同5.2.2条规定,解除本合同。 (3)If the renderings submitted by Party B does not qualified for acceptance of Party A, Party B shall amended according to Party A requirement until it is accepted by Party A. If the amendment can not be pass within 10 after the stipulated complete date, Party A has the


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