新目标人教版七年级英语上册unit8课件 图文.ppt

新目标人教版七年级英语上册unit8课件 图文.ppt

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新目标人教版七年级英语上册unit8课件 图文

December the ____ is Christmas. A. twenty-five B. twenty-fifth C. twentieth-five D. twenty-five May is ____ of a year. A. the fifth months B. the fifth month C. the five months D. the five month . ---How many English books are there on the table? ---There is only _____English book on it. A. a B. an C. one D. the . Sunday is the ____ day of the week. A. a B. one C. once D. first There are _____days in a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven 根据句子意思填空。 1. Children’s Day is on the _____ of June. 2. There are _____ months(月)in a year(年). 3. Teacher’s Day is on the _____ of September. 4. Three plus(加) six is _____. * Unit8 When is your birthday? 单词默写 1.(疑问副词)什么时候adv._______ 2.月;月份 n._______________ 3.一月n.____________________ 4.二月 n. ___________________ 5.三月 n. ___________________ 6.四月n. ____________________ 7.五月 n. ____________________ 8.六月 n. ____________________ 9.七月 n. ____________________ when January month March February April June May July 单词默写 10.八月 n. _____________________ 11.九月 n. _____________________ 12.十月 n. _____________________ 13.十一月 n. ___________________ 14.十二月 n. ___________________ 15.愉快的;高兴的 adj. _________ 16.生日快乐! ____________________ 17.年老的;旧的 adj. ____________ 18...多大年纪_____________________ 19.聚会n. ________________________ September October November December happy Happy birthday! old How old...? party August 单词默写 20.再见! _______________________ 21.第一num. __________________ 22.第二 num. __________________ 23.第三 num. __________________ 24.第五 num. __________________ 25.第八 num. __________________ 26.第九 num. __________________ 27.第十二 num. ________________ 28.第二十 num. ________________ 29.测验;检查 n. ________________ See you! first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth t


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