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湘少版六年级上册英语复习资料 Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? 读单词,并写出它们的汉语意思。 learn words and sentences play games practise listening learn writing speak during holiday 写出下列动词的汉语意思和过去式。 汉语意思 过去式 汉语意思 过去式 do have go learn take read speak teach talk practise listen visit write 读出下列句子,并写出它们的汉语意思。 描述过去发生的动作,动词要用过去式态。(yesterday, during the holidays, last year, last week…) 例如:A: What did you do during the holidays? B: I learnt writing. I read many books. I practiced listening. I played games. 2.现在进行时:be动词(am, is , are)+动词-ing 例如: A: What are you reading? B: I’m reading an English storybook. 3. a+辅音音素 an+ 元音音素(Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu)in English 用英语 例如: Anne wrote a storybook in English during the holidays. 4. to+ 代词宾格(me, you, him, her, us, them) 例如: Read it to us. Unit 2 Katie always gets up early. 写出下列单词或词语的汉语意思。 get up have breakfast wave goodbye return home do her homework play chess be late for school take a walk read a newspaper go to school go to bed weekday always often sometimes never before after 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 get have wave go return do play 读出下列句子,并写出它们的汉语意思。 在一般现在时中,当主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。 Katie always gets up early. Katie often does her homework before dinner. Katie sometimes plays chess with her father after dinner. Katie never takes a walk. on+ 天, at+时, in+月,季,年 weekdays, she always gets up 6:30 a.m. She waves goodbye to her mother.


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