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期末冲刺复习 Class 218-221 Unit 1 The children are playing in the park 1.Words(词语): swing, bench, stone, angry, bark, chain, slide, bite, cry 2.Phrases(短语):in the park(在公园), look at(看), throw… at(朝…扔), come here(过来),sweep the floor(拖地),brush one’s teeth(刷牙), comb one’s hair(梳头) 3.Grammar(语法):1.现在分词 1.1: sleeping, playing, barking, throwing, listening , climbing , calling, reading 1.2. write-writing, bite-biting, make-making, take-taking 1.3. run-running, sit-sitting, shop-shopping, 2. 现在进行时 am 1.structure(结构):S主+be{is+ V-ing are 2.sentences(句子): e.g1:孩子们正在公园里玩。 译:The children are playing in the park. e.g 2.老人家正在跑步。 译: The old man is running. e.g 3: 我正在上英语课。 译:I am having an English class. Consolidation(巩固): practice(part D,page3) 3.PartF:How is Peter going to the cinema? 1. Peter is going to the cinema by bike. 2. Anne is going to the cinema on foot. 3. Lingling is going to the cinema by bus. 4.Mingming is going to the cinema by car. Unit 2 Katie always gets up early 1.words(单词): always, family, usually, often, late, never, wave, them, wake up 2. Phrases(短语):①get up(起床) ② on weekdays(在工作日) ③wash one’s face(洗脸) ④make the bed(铺床) ⑤have breakfast(吃早餐) ⑥leave for work(去上班) ⑦go to bed(睡觉) ⑧watch TV(看电视) ⑨be late(迟到),go to school(上学) Grammar: 一般现在时 一般现在时,主语是三单,谓语动词也要三单。 动词第三人称单数的变化规则: 1.直接在词尾加s; e.g: get-gets, play-plays, make-makes 2.以sh ,ch ,s ,x ,o结尾的 + es; e.g: wash-washes , watch-watches go-goes , brush-brushes, do-does 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再 + es; eg: cry-cries, 4.特殊: have-has Key sentences(重点句型): ① I am late. 我迟到了。 ②Katie always gets up early. 凯蒂总是起得很早。 ③ She alway


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