2012高考英语 Unit2《Robots》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

2012高考英语 Unit2《Robots》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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2012高考英语 Unit2《Robots》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修7

;; ;;My sister desired my brother-in-law to buy the smart car for her.我姐姐想让姐夫给她买那辆精致的小汽车。 We all expressed our desire that the war (should) come to an end.我们都表达了早日结束战争的愿望。 同类辨析 desire, long与wish desire属于正式用语,可代替wish和want,强调主观愿望的热切性,含有“强烈希望做某事”之意。 long意为“渴望、极想”,常构成long to do sth.极想做某事或long for sth.渴望某物。 wish的语气比desire弱,一般用于难以实现或不可能实现的愿望。;【链接训练】 ①The old man ________ his sons and daughters ________ and see him from time to time. A.suggested;to come B.hoped;to come C.desired;coming D.desired;to come 【解析】 desire sb.to do sth.意为“希望某人做某事”。句意为:这个老人希望他的儿子和女儿时不时地来看看他。suggest和hope后不能跟sb. to do sth.,故A、B项错误。 【答案】 D;②He insisted that he ________ nothing wrong and strongly desired he ________ free. A.did;set B.had done;should be set C.should do;be set D.had done;must be set 【解析】 当insist 意为“坚持说”时,其后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。第二空desire 后跟从句要用虚拟语气即谓语动词用(should) do形式。 【答案】 B;2.alarm n.[C]警报;警报器 [U]惊恐 vt.使警觉,使惊恐,惊动 归纳拓展 (1)raise/sound the alarm发出警报;报警 take (the)alarm at...对……感到吃惊,因……而惊恐 in alarm惊恐地 (2)alarmed adj.(通常不用于名词前)担心的;害怕的 be alarmed at/by sth.对……感到忧虑或害怕 be alarmed to do...做……感到恐慌;Prison authorities have become increasingly alarmed by the number of prisoners trying to escape. 试图越狱的囚犯的人数之多令监狱方面越来越忧虑。 I was alarmed to see that the men were carrying guns. 我看到那些人带着枪感到很惊恐。 He crossed the river and sounded the alarm to the soldiers before the Germans arrived. 德国人来到之前,他过河向士兵们报了警。 “Whats up?” he asked in alarm. “出什么事了?”他惊恐地问道。;【链接训练】 All of us were ________ to hear that Lily,our companys most valued clerk,should say she would leave the company. A.alarming  B.alarmed  C.terrified  D.satisfied 【解析】 句意为:我们听到公司最重要的员工莉莉说她竟然要辞职时,都感到惊慌。be alarmed to...“对……感到惊慌”,符合题意。 【答案】 B;3.sympathy n.[U]同情;同情心 归纳拓展 express/feel/have sympathy for sb.对某人表示同情 out of sympathy for出于对……的同情 have no sympathy with不同意(情)…… in sympathy with支持…… I feel great sympathy for him.我对他深表同情。 He devoted himself to charity out of sympathy for the poor.他致力于慈善事业是出于对穷人的同情。 The seamen went on strike in sympathy w


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