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Listening Speaking There are three rules for effective time management. Firstly, don’t create . Don’t try to work full time and take a full load. Be reasonable about how much work you can do. Secondly, make a list of all the things that you need to get done in a given time period. Put the tasks in order of and delete any unimportant items. impossible situations importance * Listening Speaking Thirdly, avoid lack of focus. Use lists to . To be more attentive, set boundaries with family and friends when you are at work, as personal phone calls and emails can easily disturb your workday progress. In a modern , you can use technology to help. For unimportant communications, provide clients with a fax number or email address. This should cut down on the number of unimportant phone calls you receive throughout the day. focus attention work environment * Writing How to design an agenda? (议程表) An agenda is a written list of topics or matters to be discussed at a meeting. Identify the purpose of the meeting. Place the title and date of the meeting at the top of the agenda. Write the items to be discussed in outline format. Follow the agenda during the meeting. * Agenda The agenda is part of a good preparation of a meeting, and will lead to a more effective and moreover efficient meeting if you do include the following: GUIDELINES AND TIPS Start in the header with the word agenda and the type of the meeting (or subject), location, date and start time. * Agenda Standard items are: Opening Roll call Reading minutes(会议记录) of the last meeting Business arising from the minutes Any other business Date of the next meeting Adjournment(休会) * Agenda Meeting Sample Opening (9.00 - 9.05) Announcements and documents received (9.05 - 9.20) Approval of minutes of meeting held and action list (9.20 - 9.35) Launch of new products (9.35 - 9.45) New company car



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