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?   河北师范大学 高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文      题目: 如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣 专  业:英语 考生姓名: 考生所在单位:河北省武安市邑城镇赵店中学 准考证号: 导师姓名: 联系电话: 完成日期:2012 年2 月 11 日 How to Stimulate Students’ Interest in English BY Wang Lifei Tian Huimin,tutor Submitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Teachers University February 11, 2012 Abstract The language of English plays a very important role in peoples life during the modernization process of todays society. However, many students both in primary school and middle school are not interested in English. They don’t feel like learning English; the main problem is that they are not interested in English. As is known to everyone, the interest is the most significant power which motivates people to learn in the learning process. Also, it is the best teacher for the students to study. When teaching the language of English, the key of teaching effectively lies in stimulating the students interested to learn, in order to make the students actively take part in various activities during the English teaching in a delightful atmosphere. Therefore, teachers are supposed to build up the connection between the English learning and the psychological of the students by every means, in order to make the students feel the pleasures when starting to learn English and then be very interested in it.But how can he achieve this goal? The author of this paper thinks foster a good attitude towards learning and a correct motivation to learning can help with achieving the most fruitful outcome with every effort in English learning. This paper will discuss how to stimulate the interest of learning English for the students in three aspects. First, build up a new type of the relation between the students and the teachers. Second, stimulate the interest of learning English for the students in the process of teaching. Finally, hold vari


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