英语自学本科毕业论文-Activating Students Through group work and pair work汇.doc

英语自学本科毕业论文-Activating Students Through group work and pair work汇.doc

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英语自学本科毕业论文-Activating Students Through group work and pair work汇

姓名 学号 专业 英语 指导教师 职称 论文(设计)题目 Activating Students Through group work and pair work 选题依据和意义 This project is aimed to motivate the students in English learning through group work and pair work , which can help the students understand teaching materials quickly and easily. At the same time, it can develop the student’s imagination and creativity, and improve their English in every possible way . 研究的基本内容及解决的主要问题 ctivation. Four methods are used, and they are analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire survey and brain storming a 研究的进度、步骤In my teaching. I found some of my students lack interest in English learning. So I made a problem analysis by means of four methods. Then I thought I could make a hypothesis that group work and pair work can activate the students in English learning based on the project rationale I learned. So I carried out my research design lasting two months or so. 研究的方法及措施ctivation. Four methods are used, and they are analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire survey and brain storming 主要参考文献 Bill. The Industrial Revolution Of the 19th Century. London: London City Press, 1927. Thomas Hardy. Tess of the dUrbervilles. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1989. W.Hacker. Women’s Role. Boston: Boston Commercial Press, 1930. YuYang. From the Spirit of Revolt of the Tragic View Tess. Beijing: ShangWu Press, 1971. 指导教师意见 指导教师(签名): 年 月 日 毕业论文(设计)领导小组意见 组长(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 本研究报告展示了一个通过小组和成对合作来激发学生学习英语兴趣的详细的实施方案。本项目的假设是小组和成对合作能够帮助学生快速而又简单地掌握学习材料,从而激发学生愉快的学习英语的兴趣。据此,我采纳了一个12周的项目设计过程,通过调查问卷和测试的手段来收集数据,通过讨论结果更加证实了小组和成对合作确实能激发学生学习英语的兴趣。然而,该项目对极个别基础比较差的学生收效甚微,所以我有必要进行深入的研究来激发他们的英语学习兴趣。 在实验过程中,我使用了分析、原因分析、调查问卷和头脑风暴四个理论方法验证了该假设。 关键词:小组合作,成对合作,兴趣,技巧 Abstract This study presents a detailed report of the project implemented to foster students’ motivation in English learning through group work and pair work in Englis


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