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摘要 威廉·斯泰伦是当代美国文坛的杰出代表,之所以能饮誉美国文坛,《苏菲的选择》功不可没。书中跌宕起伏的故事情节,迂回曲折的叙事手法,细致入微的人物刻画,等等,都使这本书堪称美国文学的经典。 《苏菲的选择》是一部深刻揭露纳粹大屠杀罪恶的文学作品。它有着丰富的哲学意义和社会现实意义。本文主要通过分析心理学中人类原型的“阴影”和“自我”作为理论工具来分析纳粹主义对处于集体无意识状态下的个人行为的影响。 全文共三章。第一章是理论背景。介绍了本文所采用的理论工具,容格的原型理论和弗洛伊德的俄狄浦斯理论。第二章以容格心理学中的“原型”和“自我”为理论测量工具,苏菲的选择的过程和以后余生的忏悔,以及相伴而生的罪恶感等等一系列心理因素的变化是异常复杂的。“原型”和“自我”作为深层次的无意识状态是产生外现,可意识到的心理反映的基础。第三章从苏菲所面临的道德困境入手对苏菲所做的选择,不仅她对孩子的选择,更是她一生重大的选择进行分析,结合当时的社会现实,探究社会压力对人性的影响。 。 关键词: 原型 自我 阴影 Abstract Many readers feel that Sophie’s Choice has essentially guaranteed Styron’s reputation as an important American novelist. Its virtues have made this book a classic: its suspending plot, tortuous narration, exquisite characterization, etc.. Sophie’s choice as a great work related to holocaust literature has many social and philosophical significances. A good approach to read this book is to read it in light of philosophy and psychology. This is the purpose to which my thesis is devoted. In the book, the moment for Sophie to make the choice is also the moment of absolute evil. William Styron intends to reveal it to the public. In the thesis, Sophie’s choice is analyzed philosophically through examining the philosophical background which helped the creation of evil――Nazi holocaust. And then my focus is on Sophie herself. It is worth considering the psychological factors for Sophie’s choice. This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter one introduces the theoretical background. This chapter introduces the theories applied to the analysis of Sophie’s choice in detail. Chapter two concentrates on the psychological analysis of Sophie’s crime and the study of another character, Rudolf Hoss—Commandant of Auschwitz. Sophie was a victim in the concentration camp while she was also regarded as an accomplice with the Germany commandant. In this chapter, we will analyze some psychological elements individually and collectively, based on Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetype theory. Chapter three, through Freud


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