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Demonstrate to the students how the Help window gives you valuable wiring information about charts and graphs and which one you have. Do not immediately display this slide. Suggested questions for class participation: What are the three update modes for a chart? What is the different between a chart, graph and XY graph? What would you use to plot data if you wanted to see the temperature versus the pressure? What would you use to plot the temperature map of an X-Y plane? Do not immediately display this slide. Suggested questions for class participation: What are the three update modes for a chart? What is the different between a chart, graph and XY graph? What would you use to plot data if you wanted to see the temperature versus the pressure? What would you use to plot the temperature map of an X-Y plane? Creating array constants uses the same two-step process as a front panel array. Select an array constant from the Array subpalette of the Functions palette. Place a constant data type inside the empty array shell. Note again that the data types are “grayed-out” and must be manually defined if the user wants to store values in the array constant. For Loops and While Loops can index and accumulate arrays at their boundaries. This is known as auto-indexing. The indexing point on the boundary is called a tunnel. The For Loop default is auto-indexing enabled. The While Loop default is auto-indexing disabled. Examples: Enable auto-indexing to collect values within the loop and build the array. All values are placed in array upon exiting loop. Disable auto-indexing if you are interested only in the final value. You can use two nested For Loops to create a 2D array. Auto- indexing must be enabled for both. Inner loop creates column elements. Outer loop creates row elements. Explain the different line thicknesses. Demonstrate on your computer: How to change indexing and line thickness. Enable Indexing in pop-up menu means indexing is curren


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